So I ducked out the front door and got into Santi’s car, trying to push away the guilt I felt gnawing at me.


It was childish to avoid Amelia like that, scuttled away in my office where she couldn’t see the sternness of my features at this whole situation. For a brief, cruel moment, I considered repaying her in kind by inviting over some girl from the club and choosing her to share my bed instead of Amelia.

That thought of such an act of revenge ignited something ugly and malicious in me and I immediately thought better of it. Besides, the sun had already started to set and I didn’t have any energy left to freshen up and go out with Anthony. No, I would just sit here at home like a miserable, grumpy old man and wait for Amelia to return.

Then it occurred to me, maybe she wouldn’t. Maybe her boss would invite her back to his place and he would get to taste the sweetness from between her thighs instead of me. It was foolish, pining over a girl who now clearly didn’t want anything more from me than the occasional romp and a paycheck, but I didn’t know what else to do.

I was afraid of receiving the same rejection from her that I’d gotten from Laila—a stark reminder that they had more time, more vitality, more possibilities than me. To them, I wasn’t a man.

As I sat at my kitchen table alone, eating lukewarm leftovers from a dinner Amelia had made two nights ago, I tried to piece together how I’d gotten here. For starters, I’d thought that being charming to Amelia when we first met was what she wanted, but all it did was make me look weak in the knees—literally—for her.

And then there were our trysts, which had begun with her confessing her deepest secret to me and were always tinged with the taste of forbidden fruit. For her, perhaps I was a way to explore that side of her, a safe place where she could be bad without any real repercussions. Any of the sentiments she’d whispered in my ear were just a way to keep me on that hook and make me think I was special to her.

The more I stewed over this failed attempt at finding love again, the angrier I got. It only compounded when I realized that Laila would be back next week, meaning I’d have her drama to deal with as well. My right knee started to ache and I found myself wishing that I had never had the accident and never met Amelia and had settled for living as a bachelor for the rest of my days.

It was a hateful desire and it made me scowl at myself. From now on, I was resolved to fall out of love with Amelia, whatever it took. And if she was as uncaring or uninterested as I thought she was, then she’d have no problem treating my gruff, grumpy self like any other client.

As I cleaned up the kitchen, wincing when I stood at the sink for too long, I heard the sound of the front door unlocking. Amelia stepped through a second later and I looked over at her with bewilderment. “Aren’t you home a little early?” She’d only been gone for two hours and I had to swallow the sudden joy I felt at the possibility that the date had gone poorly.

Amelia shrugged, her coppery hair falling out of its updo in shiny strands around her face as she bent to take off her shoes. “It was just dinner. And Dr. Morales is my boss so there would be a ton of paperwork to fill out if it ever went further than that.”

I smirked, reveling in her reply. “You get yourself in these situations often, don’t you?” It was a mean thing to say but it felt good to take some control back, to show her I understood her game perfectly.

Her widened eyes met mine, stupor and sadness clouding her shamrock-green irises, and then her gaze hardened. With a petulant toss of her hair over her shoulder, Amelia snapped back, “you seemed more than happy to participate, Josh. And I thought we agreed that this isn’t anything serious.”

Striding over to her carefully so that Amelia wouldn’t see that my knee was bothering me, I loomed over the woman I had been fooled into loving, and backed her against the front door. In a low voice, I interrogated, “weren’tyouthe one who came into my office with a sob story about how you didn’t know if I liked you or not? Weren’tyouthe one who begged me to have my way with you, to show you what it felt like to fuck someone other than these little boys you go out with?”

“Santi isn’t a boy,” Amelia shot back, glaring up at me. “He’s just as old as you are.”

I leered, licking my bottom lip predatorially. “Clearly he isn’t man enough to take what he wants.”

My hands came up to cage Amelia in on either side of her head and I watched for her tell, grinning at the involuntary clenching of her thighs. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she finally asked, daring me to voice what we both knew she wanted.

Instead of replying to her question, I stepped closer and moved my right hand from the door to hold it out in front of me. “Give me your wrists, Red,” I said, peering down at her, “or tell me no and I’ll leave you alone.”

I could see the gears working in her clever little mind, debating whether or not to give in and let her control slip. After a second of deliberation, Amelia gently placed her wrists in my palm, and I whispered, “Good choice,” before using my grip on Amelia to spin her around.

Now that my chest was pressed against her arched back, I could use my left hand to reach between her legs and toy with what lay beneath her soaked panties. “I’m not going to be nice to you tonight,” I warned, allowing all the frustration pent up within me to swell, “but if it gets to be too much, just tell me to stop.”

Amelia nodded as best as she could with her cheek pressed against the door and as a reward, I slithered two fingers into her, hardly aware of the dull throbbing in my right knee. For a minute, I savored the whimpers coming from her and the shameless way her ass ground against my clothed manhood. And then, right when I could feel her clenching rhythmically around my fingers, I pulled them away.

“Please, no!” Amelia whined, lost in the throes of the pleasureIbrought her, and she pouted when I shook my head stoically.

“If you were my girl, you could have anything you wanted,” I mused, using my sticky left hand to undo the zipper on my jeans, “but because thisisn’t anything serious, I’m going to treat you like the girls I used to meet at the clubs.”

“And those girls,” I said, tugging her panties to the side and lining up with her quivering sex, “know that I only care about them finishing on my cock. Not on my fingers or my mouth or my thigh or anything else I might be gracious enough to give them.”

And then, without any more preamble, I thrust into her, filling Amelia all at once.

She gasped, her head thumping against the door as she spasmed around me, and I let out a breath through my nose at her tightness. “You okay, Red?” I asked after a moment, unwilling to physically harm her, even if she broke my heart.

Some of her fire returned and Amelia smirked blearily at me over her shoulder, “do your worst, Old Man.”


After my core gushed all over him, coating the hair around Josh’s hard length in shiny arousal, and he spilled his seed on my lower back, we stayed slumped against the door together.