Page 48 of Stolen Obsession

It’s just another story you’re writing.

None of the documents made any sense to me. There were shell corporations on top of shell corporations mixed in with a few subsidiaries I didn’t recognize. I wasn’t sure what they wanted from me. My father didn’t involve me in his business.

“This might as well be Greek,” I admitted as I scanned through the documents. Fuck, there were so many. “I don’t understand what you want me to do. You have those”—I swallowed back the bile in my throat—“photos. Why don’t you just turn them in?”

Matthias scoffed. “If I wanted him to go down for fucking underage girls, I would,” he sneered. “But those charges wouldn’t hold, and we both know it. He’s got every judge in his corner. He’d be out on bail before the ink was dry on his arrest warrant.”

“I still don’t understand what you expect me to do,” I bit out. “If you think for one second that my father involves me in anything other than to be the billboard for his campaign, you’re wrong.”

“I don’t need him to tell you anything,” he smirked. “I need you to access his safe where he stores his little black books. He’s got blackmail on almost every politician in the state and some of the local gangs.”

I snorted. Very unladylike, but who cared.

“Sure,” I drawled sarcastically. “Let me just go and grab my safe-breaking kit from my little Mini Cooper, and Jason Statham and I will get right on that.”

Blank faces all around.

Shit. What a wasted line. That was such a good movie.

“We have someone who can take care of that.”

“Better be a damn good person,” I muttered. “It’s an electronic safe. Passkey protected on a local network that can’t be hacked from an outside source. It would require a direct line using a verified ID card.”

“Taken care of.” The son of a bitch sounded so matter-of-fact it made me want to strangle him. Problem was, I wouldn’t be able to get both of my hands around his meaty Russian neck. Did the man have body fat to speak of?

“Oh, well, if you say so.” Kiernan’s hand tightened on my leg when I rolled my eyes. One look from him told me he didn’t appreciate eye rolling. Even if he wasn’t on the receiving end. Which meant he wouldn’t appreciate me sticking my tongue out at him. So I refrained. Barely.

Imagined it in my head instead.

“What about the auction?” Ava asked, nervously chewing on her lower lip.

“What about it?” Seamus repeated. “We won’t be able to do much with it. The only way you can be a part of it is if you enter as a bidder.”

“So we enter one of you as a bidder,” Matthias stated simply. “You have something to bid. Or at least, under the pretense, you do.”

“No,” Kiernan growled. “Spying on her father is one thing. I will not subject her to that.”

“To what?” I questioned.

“Nothing,” Kiernan snarled.

“It must be something if you’re all riled up about it,” I pointed out.

“It’s a flesh auction,” Seamus muttered darkly.



“Umm…you want to put me up for sale?”

My question was met by two emphaticnos, a hesitantkind of, and a very Russian-soundingyes.

Well, that answered everything perfectly.

“It could benefit her, too,” Ava pointed out. Kiernan glared at his sister.

“For someone who abhors the skin trade, you sure as hell are pushing her into it.”