Page 22 of Stolen Obsession

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The doctor raised her eyebrows at me expectantly. “I’ve got orders to sedate you if I have to, and I really, really don’t want to have to do that.”

“You know they kidnapped me, right?” I sneered at her. She shrugged nonchalantly, as if this was an everyday occurrence.

“I’m paid to make sure there is nothing wrong with you,” she admitted candidly as she pulled a white gown from her bag. “I don’t much care beyond that.” She held out the gown for me to take. I eyed it warily. “We can either do this the easy way and get it over with nice and quick, or I can call in one of the guards out there and sedate your ass. Mind you, he’ll also have to help maneuver you into all sorts of positions that could expose you and—”

“Fuck.” I ripped the gown from her hand and stomped toward the bathroom. “I’ll fucking do it.”

She beamed up at me. “What a good choice.”

A few minutes later, I exited the bathroom in the white gown that opened at the front instead of the back. I drew it tightly over my chest, uncomfortable with how vulnerable the small piece of fabric made me.

“Take a seat on the edge of the bed,” the doctor instructed with a smile, her voice gentler than it had been with me before. “We’ll start with the less invasive stuff first.”

Less invasive?What the fuck was she planning on doing to me? She must have sensed my hesitation, because her look grew serious again as I perched myself on the edge of the mattress.

“I’m not here to hurt you, Bailey,” she assured me as she wrapped a blood pressure cuff around my upper arm. Not that her assurance meant much. It was said that lions would purr right before they struck their prey. “I’m just making sure that everything is in tip-top shape.”

I snorted. “Everything is fine.” I winced uncomfortably as the cuff tightened against my arm. “I don’t need you to tell me that. I have my own doctor.”

“Yes,” the woman smirked. “Julia is such a great doctor. She faxed over all of your records for me. Such a sweet woman.”

Who the hell were these people?

Shit, I was going to need to find a new doctor.

“Sure.” I breathed a sigh of relief when the cuff deflated. “If you like backstabbing doctors who violate privacy laws. Then again, you work for the mob, so…” I let the sentence trail off.

Bitch had the nerve to laugh as if I’d said something funny.

“Well, I can be quite persuasive when I need to be.” She removed the cuff from my arm. “Your blood pressure is slightly elevated, but that’s not abnormal in your situation.”

The side-eye I shot her was worthy of an award. “No? You think?” I mocked sarcastically. “I’m kind of curious how many blood pressures you’ve taken of women who’ve been kidnapped by two low-life mobsters to just easily brush that away.”

The amused look on her face vanished, a dark scowl forming.

“I know you’re not in the best of predicaments right now,” she snapped. “But you should feel lucky to be alive. Anyone else, and you’d be nothing more than a pretty face with a bullet in her forehead, lying in a gutter somewhere. You should be grateful that thosemobstersspared you. I’ve never seen Kiernan Kavanaugh have that kind of mercy for anyone.”

Did she say Kavanaugh?

Even my inner hussy had paused when hearing his surname.

I was an idiot. A fool. A dead, dead duck.

There was no doubt in my drunk little mind that the twins worked for the Kavanaugh family, but I hadn’t thought theywerethe Kavanaughs.

“You had no idea, did you?” The doctor chuckled lightly as she placed her stethoscope on my chest. “I honestly expected better from someone who received a Pulitzer Prize for her investigative journalism.”

My nose scrunched in distaste. “I was a little preoccupied,” I mumbled petulantly. And a little drunk. Shit, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t put two and two together. Liam Kavanaugh’s heirs weren’t well known, to be honest. They were hardly ever mentioned in any kind of investigation, and they’d been photographed less than a handful of times in the society pages.

“Can’t blame you, though,” she shrugged as she moved her stethoscope to my back and asked me to take a deep breath. “Most people aren’t aware Liam even has twin heirs. Most of the time, they’re only photographed separately.”

“For a good reason, no doubt.” I couldn’t help but comment. The doctor hummed but confirmed nothing as she went through the rest of her examination.

“Any tenderness when I press on the side of your head?” I winced as her hand palpated a particularly sore spot at the back of my head where Seamus had no doubt popped me with the butt of his gun. “I’ll take that as a yes. Any double vision?” I shook my head. “Nausea?” Another shake. “Dizziness or anything like that?” Nope and nope. “That’s good. Shouldn’t need a CT, but if you develop any of those symptoms, let me know and I will order one for you.”

“Thanks.” Jesus, what the fuck was I thanking her for?

“No problem.”