“No, of course not.” She looked up at him and smiled, but there was a sadness in her eyes that carved him up inside. “Perhaps I was like you. A servant here. That would explain things, would it not?”

He doubted it very much, as he couldn’t think of any servant children young enough to be her, but still he nodded, because it was better than the alternative.

The impossible.


“I doubt very much we will ever know, as it seems unlikely my true family would be in some DNA database, and it truly is of no matter. Your parents were wronged, and we will find a way to right that wrong. Together.”

There had not been anyone on his side since he was twelve. But he did not want her here. He wanted to do this alone. To prove to Diamandis that nothing,nothingcould touch the man he’d made himself into.

He meant to tell her that. To chastise her for butting her nose into his business when she was a tool. Nothing more. But the words did not come out, and he heard the squeak of the door, the sound of new footsteps.

He turned, reflexively keeping Alexandra behind him in a move of protection. He scowled at Diamandis, who stood just outside the door with his own deep scowl.

“What are you two plotting?” he asked darkly. “Mydeath this time around?”


ALEXANDRAWASMOREshaken than she could remember being. Except maybe when her attacker had caught up to her back in Athens.

But this was not an attack. It was just...sad.

And strange. She glanced back at the tree door. How had she known? Why did this palace awaken such strange things inside of her?

But she could not worry over it now. They needed to face down Diamandis. As a united front.

Alexandra hooked her arm through Lysias’s. She smiled sadly at Diamandis and used all the truths that made even her wonder why she felt connected to this place. “I suffer nightmares. Of a door. When I explained the door in my dreams to Lysias, he brought me up here.”

Diamandis sighed disgustedly. “You mean he brought you up here to fill your head with lies?”

“No, I do not mean that,” she replied, firmly, as if she were speaking to a child.

“I know your game, Lysias. You’ve told her your own memories so she can pretend they are her own.” Then, surprisingly, his gaze turned toward her. “You think you can poke me in the throat and convince me of this ridiculous charade? I am not so easily swayed. My private doctor is here ready to administer the DNA swab. Let’s get this over with.”

Lysias did not move forward. He looked down at her like Diamandis had accused her of speaking in tongues. “You...poked him?” Lysias said, sounding oddly ragged. “In thethroat?”

“I realize he’s a king and all, but he was in my face. I don’t understand the big deal.” But clearly it was some kind of...deal.

“Where will she be given the swab?” Lysias asked, returning his gaze to Diamandis, his tone back to being detached and firm.

“In my office.”

“We will meet you there in a moment.”

“You think I’d leave you here alone? That I’d let you continue to desecrate my sister’s memory?”

Lysias laughed darkly. “You care for her memory? As I recall, you were nowhere to be found that night.” They moved toward each other, two angry men seething with all their old hurts and tragedies dressed up like fury.

But they were both just...injured, traumatized boys, Alexandra realized.

She stepped in between them before they could land the blows they both clearly wanted to. Their anger tied her stomach in knots, though she couldn’t quite work out why. They were enemies, but it felt wrong that they should fight. Here of all places.

“Come, Diamandis. I’ll let you take your little swab,” she said, with a wave toward the door.

He sneered at her. “You’ll not order me around, imposter.”

“I suppose I understand why you feel the need to rage and threaten us, but the fact of the matter is you haven’t tossed us out yet. So you know it’s possible I might be your sister. If you feel better to treat me so shabbily because you think there’s a chance I’mnot, very well. But I find it tiring.”