She pointed the fork at him across the table. “Because you’ve kidnapped me.”

“And what a terrible kidnapping it is. Eating a fine meal prepared by one of the best chefs in the country. A shower. A soft, warm place to sleep. Thehorror.”

“Oh, I’m not sleeping here.”

“That you are,” he said, his amusement fading. This was too important and her resistance would ruin his timeline. “You wish this to be a kidnapping, I can make it so. You are an integral part of my plan. I will pay you handsomely, but I will not tolerate your defection. I have lived my life focused only on revenge against one man, but trust when I say this.” He leaned forward, needing to make sure she understood the gravity of this situation. “No one crosses me, Alexandra. No one.”


FEARFLUTTEREDINAl’s chest. She did not think Lysias wouldhurther. As he kept pointing out, he’d saved her, and he was feeding her. And the doctor who had stitched her up had actually been kind. All of Lysias’s staff had been efficient and kind as well.

Not to mention, the food was some of the best she’d ever tasted, and shewashungry.The dress she was wearing wasn’t anything beautiful, but it was more comfortable than anything she’d ever worn.And the bath she’d taken—at the insistence of his staff—had been like nothing she’d ever experienced—warm and inviting and relaxing, even with the stab wound on her chest they’d had to work around.

She did not think Lysias was anevilman per se.

But she understood he onlycaredabout his revenge. That she was only a tool in it, not something he was tending to because she mattered. He was making it very clear that if she got in the way of his revenge, she might be the next target of it.

And thatdidscare her a bit.

Al had enough self-preservation instinct to acknowledge, in her head, that going along with his plan, and taking her money and running when all was said and done, was likely better than escaping or trying to thwart him.

At least for now.

But she also didn’t know how to simply sit back and accept that her circumstances had changed at the whim of abillionaire.That she was suddenly being bossed around by someone else.

Even if she went along with all this—enjoyed the food, a nice place to sleep, et cetera—that didn’t mean she had to cedeallcontrol. Heneededher after all. He’d said so himself.

“So, tell me about your plan,” she said as irreverently as she could manage, with the delicious food and likely the painkillers twisting together to make her sleepy. But she was determined to stay awake. “So I can decide what parts I agree with. And what parts will need to be altered. Or require more compensation.”

He raised an elegant eyebrow. She figured she was meant to wilt at that. But she held her head high. She was hardly intimidated by silence from an impressively gorgeous face.

Of course, when his surprise and condescension morphed into that slow, dangerous smile that caused dark, twisting sensations low in her stomach, she had to curl her hand into a fist underneath the table to remind herself not to let her unease...or interest show.

“First, we will attend a gala here in Athens,” he said, turning his attention to his crystal wine glass. Al figured she could get a decent sum if she pawned justone. “I will introduce you as my fiancée to the eager media and crowd.”

Thatgot her attention. “You expectmeto attend a gala as yourfiancée?”

“You will have a considerable makeover.” He met her gaze with all that amused gold. “Of course.”

She tried not to scowl at him. Obviously, she would not fit into some billionairegala. She wasn’t sure even a “considerable” makeover would ever make it seem like she belonged. That didn’t mean shelikedit being pointed out to her with such obvious derision.

“Are you my fairy godmother, then?” she said sweetly.

“If you wish to see me as such, feel free.” He waved a hand as unconcernedly as she was acting. Too bad she believed it on him.

“All right. So gala, introduce me—what does this have to do with the king of...wherever?”

“Kalyva. You will need to study up, as well as learn those table manners. After the gala, we will embark on a trip to my homeland. With the media in tow. I will claim that I have finally found the long-lost Princess Zandra so many thought—feared—dead. There will be a media circus. Lots of attention and distraction. The timing is perfect, as the king’s spring ball will be held the weekend after we arrive, so there will already be much attention on the palace. The next morning is the annual council meeting, an integral part of my plan.”

“I thought you needed to know about the body.”

“It’s true. My intel has not given me this information, but this is where Al comes in. You will find out while we tell all and sundry that Zandra is alive. My appearance and yours will be enough of a distraction to the kingdom that it will take some time to sort through. Even if there was a body, we’ll be able to insist, for a few days, that it was an imposter’s.”

“Won’t they be able to do tests to figure that out?”

“Yes, but such tests take time. If we are found out to be liars before I get what I want, I will say I was conned by a stunningly beautiful seductress.” He flashed that alarmingly potent grin at her. “You will become Al, and no one will know what happened of said con artist pretending to be Zandra. However, if there is no body and never was, my plan will move forward. Regardless of the outcome, you shall receive your payment.”

It was a ridiculous plan, made all the more ridiculous by her involvement. “Do you really think you can passmeoff as a princess?”