I didn’t respond. Hell, what could I say to that?Absofuckinglutely nothing!
For the rest of the drive, I tried to get my emotions under control. As I pulled into Ryan’s driveway, I was slightly calmer. But I knew the moment I entered Ryan’s house, it was all going to come back. I don’t know how I’m going to look at my sister and not wanna kill my best friend.
The medical personnel behind the nurses’ desk glanced my way. I was acutely aware of their eyes watching Ryan and I walk down the hallway toward the elevators. Even the nurse walking me out stole glances from time to time, making me feel like a freak on display.
Doctors walked by and studied me, then gave Ryan a judgmental stare, and other medical professionals looked up from their stations to gawk at the monstrosity that my face had become—all swollen with cuts and scratches and violent shades of black, blue, and purple. Even the people waiting to be seen all stared.
It was obvious they thought about me—about Ryan. Here I was, walking out with a large, muscular man who had his arm gently wrapped around my waist. Disgust showed on all of their faces. They assumed he was the man who had done this to me. I had to shake my head at their reactions. I wanted to scream at them, tell them he’d never hurt me and that the asshole who did would soon find himself behind bars, or so I hoped. But I remained quiet, soaking up the strength I found in Ryan’s embrace.
This man holding might be strong, but he was the gentlest person I had ever known. All Ryan had ever done was love and protect me, but they didn’t know that.
Once outside, he walked me to Finn's truck, which was parked in the pickup location.
"Why are we taking Finn's truck?"
With all the chaos that took place in the hospital, I must have missed something. Ryan opened the passenger door and gently helped me in. Once I was seated, he reached for the seatbelt and fastened it for me.
"Finn texted me earlier that he had put his keys in the glove box." He opened the compartment, and then pulled out the keys. "He knew I had ridden in the ambulance with you and wanted to make sure I could get you back. I'll have Finn help me get my truck tomorrow sometime."
“Oh, makes sense.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” I nodded.
The locked the door, shut it, and then made his way around to the driver's side.
As we drove back to Ryan's in silence, I tried to gather my thoughts and figured he was doing the same thing.
Ryan reached over the center console and took my hand in his. He rubbed his thumb over my bloodied knuckles.
Soft laughter escaped from between my lips.
“Nothing.” I shook my head. “It’s just that usually, your knuckles are red and scraped from fighting, but now, mine are.” He kissed my kissed the tender flesh, careful to not hurt me.
While Ryan drove, I laid my head against the headrest and watched as we passed the sign for the happiest place on earth. I thought about everything that had happened.
As angry as I was, trying to wrap my head around what had happened in my apartment, only added to the confusion, anguish, and anger. Also, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen now that Conor knew about Ryan and me.
Before I knew it, Ryan was pulling into his driveway and shutting off the ignition of Finn's truck. He turned to face me, never letting go of my hand. With a tenderness that was almost my undoing, he brought his free hand up to my cheek.
I leaned into it, needing the warmth.
"Kenna, baby, what are you thinking? Talk to me," he pleaded.
I reached up to his hand that was gently resting against my cheek. I stared at him for a moment, taking in his beautiful face that was looking at me with love.
I smiled because, honestly, how could I not smile with him looking at me like that?
"I'm afraid of what Conor is going to do,” I said. “You saw him at the hospital. He isn't happy about any of this. But learning about you and me, I'm afraid he's going to freak out."
Ryan's hand left mine, making me instantly feeling the loss of his warmth. But I didn't have to feel that way for long because he brought it up to the other side of my cheek. With his hands cupping my face, he leaned forward, then gave me the softest kiss.