Page 44 of My Fight

The room stayed quiet for a moment, Griff not answering Conor. He took a few more steps toward Kenna, making me stiffen and move with him. After looking over at me for a few seconds, his attention returned to Kenna.

"If I show you a picture,” he asked. “Would you be able to confirm if this is the person you say attacked you tonight?"

Kenna's eyes went wide. "Yes." She nodded.

Griff pulled a phone out of his pocket, and once he got the picture he wanted, he turned it toward Kenna.

"Is this the man?" he asked her.

"Yes. That’s Brad.” Her voice trembled. “You got him." It wasn’t a question; it was a statement.

"A man came in for injuries not long after you arrived. He claims he received the so-called injuries when he was jumped outside his hotel," Griff stated.

"He's fucking here?" Conor and I roared at the same time.

Conor immediately headed to the door. "Where the fuck is he?"

Griff grabbed Conor, but before he could say anything else, Conor had turned and pushed Officer Griff against the wall.

“You don’t want to do that.” Griff held Conor’s gaze. “Not when I have the uniform on.”

Finn immediately ran and grabbed hold of Conor.

As Finn tried to get Conor under control, Griff moved across the room, directing his attention to Conor first.

"Look, Conor, you're a good guy. I've known you a long time, but don't think for a second I won't cuff you and bring you in for assaulting a police officer.” Griff let out a heavy sigh. “Now, get your shit under control. You're not helping the situation." Then he turned to Kenna. "We will be arresting Brad. I have an officer with him. I will need an official statement, but for now, try and get some rest. I’ll reach out tomorrow."

When Griff reached the door, he turned to Finn, who still had Conor held against the wall. "Keep him in check, Finn."

Finn lifted his chin in response, and then Griff was out the door.

"Fucking bury that motherfucker,” Conor yelled. “Or I will!"

Finn slammed Conor against the wall once more. "Calm the fuck down, asshole! You getting’ yourself arrested won’t help anything. So, go sit the fuck down and shut your mouth for five minutes."

After a few minutes of us all trying to calm ourselves down and take a breather, one of the doctors walked in.

"I have some good news for you all.” The doctor wrapped his stethoscope around his shoulders. “There’s no concussion and no broken ribs. But you do have severely bruised ribs, as well as a sizable lump on your head,” he said to her. “Not to mention the facial cuts and bruises. Tomorrow and over the next few days, I expect you’ll see more discoloration."

"So, she's going to be okay?" Conor asked.

"Yes, with nothing broken, we feel comfortable discharging her,” the doctor said. “One of the nurses will be by soon with all the discharge paperwork."

"Thank you, doc.” Finn let out a breath of relief. “We appreciate it."

We were all thankful to hear that she had nothing broken and that she could get out of there soon. But I had no intention of letting her go anyplace but my home.

"Micky, why don't I go by your place and grab some stuff,” Finn stated. “And you can head back to the house with Conor?"

"She isn't going anywhere but my house," I stated firmly, looking at both Conor and Finn. I knew there was no hiding our relationship any longer, but who gave a fuck at this point?

Conor raised an eyebrow and glared at me with anger in his eyes. "Why the fuck would she go to your house, Ry? Especially when she can come home to her own room."

It took another minute for the dots to connect for Conor, but there was no mistaking the moment he put it all together.

"Oh, hell no, Ryan.” Conor’s face turned a deep shade of angry red. “That isn't fucking happening."

“Come on. Back off.” Finn stood next to Conor and placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down because we could all see he was about to blow.