Page 36 of My Fight

“I-I just” I can’t get the words out because I know he isn’t going to say them back to me but God I’m so fucking in love with him. I’ve been in love with Ryan since well pretty much forever. As the tears flow and my heart beats so fast, I could pass out. Ryan pushes up to his knees and pulls me up with him.

Then he speaks holding my face in both his hands, so I’ve to look at him. He runs his thumbs along my face wiping the tears from my checks and he says “Kenna, Baby I love you, I love you so much please tell me what’s wrong.”

My eyes go wide “W-what did you say?” I ask not believing he said that to me, I must be imagining things.

“I love you” he says again this time almost a whisper. “It’s you Kenna it has always been you.” I grab hold of Ryan’s face bringing him down to me kissing him softly this time. Taking my time enjoying him, tasting him and feeling him.

“Ryan” I say softly “I’m so in love with you. I’ve loved you for so long I can’t even remember when I started.”

Ryan wraps me in his arms and rolls over, so he is laying on the bed and I’m straddling him. “God Kenna you are so beautiful.” I immediately lay my head onto his hard muscular chest and smile. We lay like that for a few minutes when Ryan begins to speak softly “Kenna?”

“Mmmm” is all I respond never moving my head from his chest. With his fingers softly rubbing up and down my back he continues “Baby you have ink.” It was not a question I knew he saw the tattoo on my back between my shoulder blades. I moved my head up facing him with my chin now on his chest I replied, “I do.” I roll off Ryan and onto my back with my head hitting the pillow beside him and say, “you have ink as well.” With a smirk he responded “Kenna I’m covered in ink you already know that, but I never knew you had any. Roll over I want to see it.”

I swallowed a lump that was starting to form in my throat. I was not sure how he would take my tattoo but there was no hiding it now. I rolled over onto my stomach so he would have a view of the ink on my back.

Ryan slowly moved his fingers along the music note the was inked on my skin. He slowly traced the cursive writing for three names that formed the music note. Suddenly I left his hot breath by my ear as he whispered, “baby you have my name inked on your body.”

“I do” is all I stated keeping my head on the pillow

Ryan continued tracing his name as he stated didn’t ask “tell me about your tattoo.”

“After I got back to Boston from dad’s funeral, I wanted to get a tattoo in memory of my mom and my dad. I thought of the music note because well I’m a musician and I always played with my mom. Then I came up with the idea of the music note being the names of the most important people in my life and that was Conor, Finn” as I lifted my head from the pillow and looking into Ryan’s gorgeous brown eyes with golden specks I said, “and you.” He leaned down and kissed my shoulder as I continued, “The blue butterfly is for my dad and the pink butterfly on the other side is for my mom.”

Ryan spoke before I could give the reason “Butterflies because you wrote that song with your mom.”

I stared at him again in disbelief “How did you know about that?” I asked

“I remember playing with Conor and Finn out in your backyard. You and your mom were sitting on the deck you were both playing your guitars and you sang the song.” Ryan spoke of the memory I as I just stared shocked that he remembered. Ryan continued to gently stroke my back and then soon his hand went lower as he grabbed hold of my ass, his mouth back at my ear. He licked the spot between my ear and neck and growled “Fuck baby you are so sexy.” I know he felt the shake in my body, his hot breath giving me the chills. He slowly brought his tongue down my neck kissing my shoulders working his way to his name inked on my skin down my back and then a nip at my ass cheek. He slowly brought his body back up kissing, licking and nipping all the way up my body. I could already feel his erection again when he hovered over me. “God, you taste so good.” Before he could kiss my mouth, my phone dinged. I was absolutely fine with ignoring it but then it went off again and then a third time. Ryan leaned over the bed and grabbed it from my pants that were piled on the floor. “Here baby” he said as he handed it to me. When I turned it over, I saw Conor’s name?

Conor: I really want to talk to you

Conor: We can’t keep avoiding each other we need to talk about everything

Conor: I’m going to head over to your place be there in a few

“Oh shit!” I immediately pushed Ryan off me and sit up “Fuck Conor is on his way here.”

“Oh shit” Ryan said as he jumped from the bed immediately grabbing his boxers and jeans.

“What are we going to do.” I said with panic in my voice

“Fuck Kenna, Conor is going to fucking kill me.” He states as he turns to grab his shirt and pull it over his head. Almost as fast has he ripped it off earlier.

I swiped my phone and push Conor’s contact and as soon as he answered I said “Hey Con, I’m not home right now I’m out how about I meet you for a drink instead. I look over to Ryan as he watches me on the phone “ok I will see you there in about 20 minutes. Bye” As I hit the end button I look over to Ryan and smile ‘Calm down he isn’t coming I’m going to meet him at Thirsty’s for a drink.” I make my way to the other side of the bed where Ryan is standing putting my hands on his chest, I look up at him and ask jokingly, “The big bad fighter is afraid of my brother?”

Ryan lowers his face just inches from my mouth “Fuck right I’m” he says as he wraps his arms around my lower back pulling me into him and dropping his mouth to mine. I immediately open my mouth to him and moan into his mouth.

Twenty minutes later I was pulling into the parking lot of Thirsty’s I immediately see Conor leaning against his truck waiting for me. I pulled in a few spots down from him “You could have gone in and ordered a drink.” I yell to him as I unfold myself from my car. I should have known he would be outside waiting for me. Conor is so overly protective of me he would never let me be in a parking lot by myself. Conor made his way over to me wrapping an arm around my shoulder saying, “you are not walking alone though a parking lot especially at night.” I roll my eyes as we enter the bar making or way to any empty booth. We both ordered our drinks and waited in silence for them to be deliver. I knew Conor was fighting with himself. He was always protective over me even more so after our Daddy passed away. I know he felt he needed to take on the fatherly roll, it was just who he is. Once the waitress put our drinks down and finished making sure we were all set Conor finally spoke

“I hate this distance between us. I hate feeling like we lied to you regarding the trust dad had set up.”

Before Conor could finish, I interrupted him because my reaction at our lunch back in October when I returned home was not fair or a logical reaction.

“Conor stop I’m sorry for how I reacted at lunch. When I got back, I was not in the right head space. I was dealing with; well, you know what I was dealing with.” Conor drew his brows in, and his jaw twitched. I could see the anger in his face over the abuse I had dealt with. I continued on “When you and Finn told me about the trust, I just felt like there was another part of my life that I was not in control of and that was just silly of me to think. I know you and Finn always have the best intentions and will always protect and be there for me. I should not have responded that way.” I slid my hand across the table and laid it over Conor’s hand and said “Let’s just move on from this. Let’s leave the past where it belongs . . . In the past.” Conor’s face softened with a smile and he squeezed my hand letting me know we’re okay. He continued that by saying “I love you Micky, I will never be okay with what happened in Boston or with the motherfucker but for everything else we’re good.”

We stayed and finished our drinks discussing the gym, the upcoming MMA awards and how we were going to spend Christmas. We decided we would have it at the house and we would make Christmas together as a family. Me, Conor, Finn and Ryan . . . I could not help but smile as we discussed everything. I was finally feeling at peace being back home. I was becoming who I was before Brad took control of my life. I know I will never be exactly who I was before Brad. I knew I would be stronger. Sitting across from Conor I felt the love and support of my family and knew with their help I would become even better than I was. I will be even stronger.

Walking out of Thirsty’s, I wrapped my slim arms around Conor’s strong waist and leaned into him. “I love you . . . Because of you, Finn, and Ryan, I will become stronger. I want you to know I’m all right, and I know I will be better than all right with mydeartháirby my side.”