Page 9 of Noctis

Sweet Jesus.

Opening my eyes, I looked around, and when I spotted my two suitcases, carryon, and purse stacked near the wall, I knew that I had to be at the cabin. Whoever had done this, they were making it appear as if I’d gone on my vacation like planned. However, being tied to a bed-withnomemory of what happened-hadn’t been a part of my vacation plans.

I also didn’t bother trying to pull my arms free from their restraints. Not only did I not have the strength right now, but I was positive that whoever had done this had made sure to tie the ropes securely enough, or else what would be the point?

Closing my eyes again, I let out a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling like nothing mattered more in the world than my steady breathing. I was doing my best not to panic, but it was hard not to. I’d been kidnapped, and I had no idea by who or why, though it was probably a safe guess to assume that this was Kalon’s handiwork. I mean, who else would have had the opportunity?

“You’re awake, I see.”

My eyes snapped open, and I could see Kalon standing in the doorway, looking just as gorgeous as he’d had last night. He stood tall with his black hair, grey eyes, and impressive physique. Dressed in only a t-shirt and pair of grey sweats, he looked like every woman’s fantasy. He also looked like he didn’t have a care in the world. Granted, he wasn’t the one tied down to a bed, so there was that.

“What the fuck is this?”

“Calm down,” he instructed smoothly as he walked further into the bedroom, and I wanted to stab him in the face. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“You’re lying,” I snapped. “Especially, when I consider kidnapping me the very definition of hurting me.” The corner of his lip twitched, and I could feel my anger and panic spike to dangerous levels.

“Well, in all fairness, I did tell you that you’d be waking up chained to the bed come morning,” he replied, and I didn’t find him funny at all.

“What the fuck is this, Kalon?” I practically yelled. “Where are we? Why am I tied to the bed?”

“We’re at the cabin that you rented out for your vacation,” he answered, confirming my suspicions. “You’ve also sent Zaire a text, letting him know that you’d been able to get a jumpstart on your vacation early and that you’re fine.”

My lip curled. “You bastard.”

“You don’t know the half of it, baby,” he huffed, acting like this wasn’t serious.

I let out a shaky breath, realizing that I was getting nowhere with Kalon. I was going to have to forget about getting answers from him and concentrate on getting the hell out of here. If he really did text Zaire to make it seem like everything was okay, then my phone had to be here, right? If my phone was here, then that was something positive.

“I can see your brain working, Mora,” Kalon said as he took a seat on the wooden rocker in the corner of the room. “You’re not getting out of those restraints until we have ourselves a little talk.”

“Then fucking talk,” I spat, even though my head hurt like a sonofabitch.

Kalon leaned back in the rocker, then placed one ankle over the opposite knee. He looked commanding, and he also looked royal. He looked like a king, and that had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up more so than before.

“Do you believe in vampires, Mora?”

I just stared at him.


“What?” I asked, my stomach dipping with trepidation. If he was part of some nutjob cult that believed in vampires, then I was screwed way more than I’d originally thought.

“I asked you if you believed in vampires,” he repeated.

“No,” I answered honestly. “Nor do I believe in werewolves, aliens, Big Foot, the Chupacabra, or unicorns.”

“Well, while I can’t speak for aliens, Big Foot, the Chupacabra, or unicorns, I can attest to the fact that vampires do exist,” he replied calmly, and I could feel my hands wanting to shake with fear.

“Bullshit,” I rushed out. “Vampires don’t exist. They’re just…folklore. They’re scary…myths. A story created by someone that hadn’t understood what they were seeing. A…a cannibal mistaken for something else.”

“While that’s a very logical explanation for the existence of vampires, you’re wrong,” he stated evenly. “Vampires are real, Mora.”

I shook my head nervously. “Okay…so…so what if they do? What does that have to do with me?” While I knew that vampires didn’t exist, if Kalon was part of some crazy cult, I wasn’t about to argue with him over it. I never understood why characters in scary movies always insisted on arguing with the crazy person. They were flippin’crazy, for fuck’s sakes.

“You’re about to become one,” he replied, causing me to choke out a bubble of hysteria.

“What?” I shook my head again. “That’s…what are you talking about?”