Page 7 of Noctis

“You don’t have to say anything,” I assured her. “You asked a question, and I simply answered it.”

“So…you really just want to get to know me better?” she asked, her brows furrowed a bit.

“Baby, I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I wouldn’t like to see that dress lying on my bedroom floor, but that doesn’t mean that it has to happen tonight,” I told her. While I did want to fuck this woman, I could wait until I turned her. I could wait until I didn’t have to hold back.

“That’s very…honest of you,” she muttered, grappling with what to do next.

“What does it benefit me to lie to you?” I lied.

Mora cocked her head to the side a bit. “Aren’t lies usually told because thereisa benefit to them?”

“Fair point, Ms. Kamra,” I chuckled, knowing that it was true.

“And what happens in the morning, Kalon?” she asked.

“You’ll wake up chained to the bed because it’ll be impossible for me to let you leave after spending the night with you,” I answered honestly.

The woman blushed like a schoolgirl.

“Now, if we’re not waking up together come sunrise, then nothing happens in the morning, Mora,” I went on. “We’ll exchanged phone numbers, then I’ll leave, letting you continue celebrating your birthday with Zaire.”

“How do I know that you’re not secretly married or have a girlfriend?” she asked, eyes narrowed.

I pulled out my phone, holding it out towards her. “You can call every female name in my phone and ask them who they are to me.”

Mora’s head jerked back in surprise. “What?”

“You can go through my phone,” I repeated. “You can call everyone on my contact list and even go through my text messages.”

“Are you insane?” she squawked. “That has got to be the biggest invasion of privacy ever.”

“A small price to pay if I get you out of the deal,” I replied, and she fucking blushed again.

I was going to miss that blush.

Now, while we technically had blood coursing through our veins, it was just another thing that was functional because it had already existed when we’d been turned. So, while we weren’tcoldto the touch, we were…coolish. Our body temperature was a few degrees lower than a human being’s body temperature, and it was noticeable enough if someone touched us. It was only when we were feeding or fucking that our body temperature rose to a fevered pitch.

“I amnotgoing to go through your phone, Kalon,” she stated primly.

“Then how else are you going to know that I’m telling the truth about not having a secret wife or girlfriend?” I challenged.

“I’ll take your word for it,” she mumbled, clearly embarrassed at having brought up the subject.

I straightened my back as I regarded her. “So, what’s it going to be, Mora Kamra? Do we sit here all night and get to know each other better? Do we go someplace quieter to talk and get personal? Or are we going back to my place toreallyget to know each other?”

“Straight to the point again,” she replied, biting her lower lip.

“I try to be,” I semi-lied.

“What if I said none of the above?” she asked. “What if I said that I just wanted to get back to hanging out with Zaire?”

I stood up from the stool, then stepped back a bit. “Then I’d wish you a good night, though I’d make sure that all your drinks were on the house before I left. After all, it is your birthday.”

Her blue eyes narrowed again. “You’d really leave?”

“No matter how attracted I am to you, I preferwillingwomen in my bed, Mora,” I told her, even though that was going to be tested during these next few days together. “If a woman hasanydoubts about going home with me, then I prefer that she didn’t.” I reached out, then twirled a lock of her chocolate hair around my finger. “I have no desire to be a woman’s morning regret.”

That must have done it because something in her eyes changed. She was no longer looking at me like I could be the biggest mistake in her life. Instead, she was looking at me like I might be worth experiencing for one night, though she had no idea that she was going to be experiencing me forever.