Page 5 of Noctis

I almost started fanning myself.

When those dark grey eyes of his latched onto my blue ones, he asked, “Are you having a good time?” Even though the place was noisy with the music and people, I could still hear him clearly, which was odd as hell.

I nodded. “I am,” I replied, making sure that my voice could be heard over the noise.

“What’s your name?” he asked, and his voice sounded like he had just asked me to take off my panties. It was deep, raspy, and had a hint of an English accent, and how was that not sexy as hell?

Christ, was it getting hot in here?

“Mora,” I answered. “Mora Kamra. What’s yours?”

Something glittered in his eyes when he said, “Kalon Dreven.”

My eyes widened.

I knew that name.

Kalon Dreven was the elusive owner of Spherical and two other clubs, not including a restaurant that was always booked out months in advance. Though he was very rarely seen in public, his financial success was always being spoken about on the news. I always watched the news because of my mom, and Kalon’s name had come up a few times over the years.

“You’re…you’re the owner…you own this place,” I stammered like a tool.

He gave me a slight nod, a teasing grin on his lips, a dimple popping out because of it. “I do.”

I could feel my palms begin to sweat. “It’s…it’s a great pl…place.”

“Have you been to Celestial’s or Orion’s?” I shook my head. “How about The Rose?”

I kept shaking my head. “Spherical is closest to my apartment, and The Rose is always booked out months in advance.”

I almost face-palmed myself.

It was his freakin’ restaurant.

Of course, he knew that it was always booked full in advance.

“They always hold back a couple of tables for special guests,” he said. “I can put your name down if you’d like to try the place.”

I could feel my face turning red. While I made a good living, I also couldn’t afford to spend thousands on one flippin’ meal. It was reputed that the food and dining experience were worth the money, but I couldn’t imagineanymeal worth thousands of dollars.

“It’s a little out of my budget,” I confessed like a rookie.

That smirk was back on his full lips. “It would be on the house, Mora,” he said. “What kind of man do you take me for? I’d never invite a woman to dine in my restaurant, then be so gaunt as expect her to pay.”

Before I could comment on that, Zaire was back from the restrooms, his green eyes immediately taking in the situation. I knew that Zaire wasn’t going to care that I was talking to another guy, but Kalon didn’t know that, and I was really hoping that this wasn’t going to become awkward.

“Excuse me,” Zaire said, pointing towards his stool. “That’s my seat.”

“Of course.” Kalon graciously stepped back, giving Zaire plenty of space to take his seat and get comfortable again.

As soon as Zaire grabbed his beer, he turned towards me. “Am I interrupting?”

I quickly shook my head. “Uh, no…Mr. Dreven was just introducing himself.”

Zaire’s green eyes flared with recognition before turning towards Kalon. “Kalon Dreven?”

Kalon nodded before stretching his hand out to shake Zaire’s hand. “Yes.”

Zaire shook his hand as his eyes bounced back and forth between us. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Zaire Sullivan.”