Page 31 of Noctis

The blonde stepped forward. “I’m pretty sure that you can’t,” he replied. “We’re here for the girl.”

I grinned.

I couldn’t help it.

“And which girl is that?” I asked mockingly. “Because if you’re talking about the one standing behind me, then you wasted a trip, my friend.”

“She’s a threat to all of us,” Blondie claimed.

“How do you figure?” I asked as I slid my hands in my pockets.

“No one should have that much power,” he stated, and he wasn’t necessarily wrong.

“And what is it that you think you know about her?” I asked, looking at each man. “What is it that Olympia ran back and told you?”

“She told us enough to recognize a threat when we see one,” Blondie answered, apparently the leader of this little trio.

“So, what exactly do you think she’s going to do? Expose us? Ruin us? Kill us all?” I cocked my head a bit. “What,exactly, are you afraid of?”

“We have order-”

“No,” I snapped, my anger finally coming out. “The covens have order. The covens act with ramifications for their actions. The coven vampires are the ones that give thought to consequences when pertaining to our kind. You three have no order or rules in which you need to live your lives by, so don’t talk to me about order.”

“She’s an abomination,” the guy on the left said. “Olympia said that she can see the future and walk in the sun.”

“You’re avampire,”I pointed out sternly. “You are the walking dead, yet you feel righteous in calling someone else an abomination.” I looked between all three men. “Aren’t we all abominations? Aren’t we all mistakes of nature?”

“She can’t exist,” Blondie spat. “She just…cannot.”

I could feel Mora’s ire rising with each word from these men. I could feel her animal instincts to protect herself begin to take over. I could feel her practically foaming at the mouth with each insult. Mora was dying to rip these fuckers apart, and I feared that she was going to get her wish. They didn’t seem like they were up to listening to reason.

“Look, I’m not sure what Olympia told you guys, but Mora isn’t a threat to anyone,” I told them.

“No,” Blondie shot back. “She’s not a threat toyou.”His eyes narrowed at me. “Oh, we know all about you, Kalon Dreven. We know what you are and what you are to her. Olympia told us everything.”

There was no stopping Mora from stepping out from behind me. It was one thing to threaten her, but it was quite another to threaten me. For better or worse, she and I were finally getting onboard with this thing between us, and I could feel Mora’s incisors itching to be free as if they were my own.

“Then you know that I will destroy anyone and anything that threatens what we have,” she said, her voice sounding like I wanted to fuck the hell out of her all over again. She sounded like she was mine, but she also sounded like I was hers, and that was what was doing me in. The past forty-eight hours had been brutal, but if Mora was finally accepting what we were to each other, then it’d been worth it. Anything to have her by my side was worth it.

“You don’t look like anything special,” Blondie said, and I could feel my blood begin to hum with his insult. At this rate, Mora and I weren’t going to be able to be around anyone dumb enough to speak to either of us.

“No, you’re right,” Mora agreed. “I look like your average brunette that you probably wouldn’t think twice about if you passed her on the street.” God, the woman couldn’t be more wrong. Even if her face wasn’t perfection, her body definitely made a person think twice about her. “However,David, I’m not your average brunette anymore.” The man’s eyes widened at the mention of his name. “While I’m a lot of things now, average is no longer on that list.”

“How…how’d you know my…my name?” he stammered.

“Oh, c’mon,” Mora chided. “Surely, you’re not surprised. After all, you, Thomas, and Christopher came all this way because I’m different.”

“Olympia was right,” the guy on the left rushed out.

Mora looked his way. “Yet, you still came here, Christopher. You still came here, even knowing what I’m capable of.”

“Well, it’s not like you have superpowers,” the only one that could be Thomas said. “You might be able to outmatch a human, but we’re not human.”

Even though I wasn’t afraid of these three, I still didn’t want to see Mora in a fight with them. I didn’t want to see her in a fight withanyone.I wanted to take her back in the cabin and continue making love to her. I wanted to drown out the entire world and just live for worshipping that intoxicating body of hers. I wanted to spend all my days and nights inside her. I didn’t want to waste time with these three scared assholes.

“Do you notice anything missing?” I asked, and all three men looked my way.

“What?” David asked.