Page 30 of Noctis

“So good…” I whimpered as Kalon began preparing me for another round.

“Nothing feels as good as having my dick buried inside you, baby,” he rasped, a fourth finger finding its way into my second opening. “These little fuckholes are all mine, Mora.” My hands tightened in his hair. “All of you belongs to me, and an eternity still isn’t going to be long enough for me to love you. I’m still going to need you like this a thousand years from now.”

“Please, Kalon…” I knew that he was going to make sure I came for him, but I wasn’t even sure if that’s what I was begging for. In these moments, with him saying all the right things, I wanted to believe him. I wanted to believe that the prophecy existed because he’d been meant for me by God, not the other way around. I didn’t want to believe that it was the prophecy making him feel this way. I wanted Kalon to really love me, and I wanted to love him back in the same way.

“Fuck, I love the way you say my name,” he said huskily, his deep voice washing over me, that English accent driving me wild. “I love every-fucking-thing about you.”

With his fingers doing their magic, Kalon’s tongue worked to bring me to ecstasy, and when I exploded for the millionth time, I felt no shame, and I could feel my reservations about him fall away one by one. I just wished that I could stop being mad at the injustice of it all. My happily ever after was supposed to have come with a loving husband, happy kids, my parents, an Uncle Zaire, and even a couple of pets. My happily ever after wasn’t ever supposed to have beenthis.

I felt Kalon’s body climbing over mine, and when I opened my eyes, he was peering down at me, worry etched on his face. “Quit looking for ways to ruin this, Mora,” he said. “Baby,please.”I never thought hearing a man beg would turn me on, but as Kalon slid his entire length inside me, that plea shook my mind, blocking everything else out.

As soon as he started to move, my incisors came out, and I latched onto his chest, his masculine grunts playing all around us. Taking my fill, I immediately started circulating our blood, and I had no idea how I even did it. When Kalon drank from me, he drank and swallowed what he took from me. There was no reversal; there was no sharing.

“Fuck, baby,” he hissed. “You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock.”

I pulled my teeth off his chest, then reached up and brought his lips down on mine. We only had a few more minutes before the sun went down. While I could see them showing up, I couldn’t see anything after that. I hadn’t been lying when I’d told Kalon that my visions were subjective, and everything hinged on the conversation that was going to happen between us and these three strangers.

Kalon started crashing into me, and I knew that he could feel my desperation because he started fucking me like it might be our last time. He was hitting me deep inside, and every time that he bottomed out, it felt painful, yet glorious. Kalon Dreven was fast becoming my drug, and I already knew that I was his. Two halves of a whole, that’s what we were.

“Cum for me, baby,” he demanded as we both felt my body begin to clench around him. Only two days into this, and Kalon knew my body as well as he knew his own. “Show me how good you can cum for me, Mora. Show me how good we are together.”

When I came again, Kalon’s release came seconds afterwards. I was holding onto him for dear life, and he was still slamming into me, refusing to let this end. We were a chaotic mess of need, want, desire, and desperation. We had no idea what awaited us in a few minutes, and our uncertainty showed. It showed in the way that he refused to pull out of me, and it showed in the way that I refused to let go of him. However, it was time, and we both knew it.

“They’ll be on their way soon,” I whispered against his lips.

“I know,” he replied just as quietly.


“I love you, Mora,” he said, his eyes peering into my soul. “I know that you don’t believe me, and I know that you think it’s because of the prophecy, but what you believe doesn’t change how I feel about you.” I could feel my chest bloom with emotion. “No matter what happens tonight, I want you to know that. I want you to know that standing between you andanythreat isn’t about the prophecy. I give two fucks if you set the world on fire over my death. I’ll be dead, so it’s not like I’ll be around to burn with it. Everything that I do tonight, and everything that I will ever do in my life, it will always be because I love you. And it’s because I love you that I can’t live without you, not that damn prophecy.”

“I’ll never let anything happen to you,” I told him, pretty close to professing my love, though I knew that it was too soon for me. I still had a lot of things to sort out inside my head, and it was going to take some time to do that. “Two halves of a whole, right?”

Kalon nodded. “Right.”

When Kalon lowered his head to kiss me, I let him. I let him kiss me like a thousand words would never be enough. I let him kiss me like this was real. I let him kiss me like we were in love. It was everything, but when I felt him getting hard inside me again, I knew that I had to stop him. We didn’t have time for more.

“We need to shower and get ready, Kalon,” I said, breaking off the kiss.

His forehead dropped to mine. “I know,” he replied. “I know.”

Fifteen minutes later, we were showered, dressed, and ready.

Five minutes after that, the sun was officially set for the day, inviting the unknown.

One minute after that, there were three strangers standing in front of the cabin.

Chapter 19


Though three-hundred years had passed, I’d still been raised during a time when men knew their place. I’d been raised in an era where men were the protectors, no matter what women had been capable of back then. I’d been raised when a man’s word was his worth, and if he couldn’t do something as simple as protect what was his, then he hadn’t been much of a man.

So, regardless of the fact that Mora was more powerful than I was, that held little weight as I walked out of the cabin in front of her. While the move might make Mora look weak, we both knew that she wasn’t and that’s all that mattered.

Stepping out into the clearing, there were three vampires, all males. They all looked to be about six-foot and in shape. One had bright blonde hair, and the other two had dark brown hair. Their eyes were all dark brown, nearly black, but that could be bloodlust darkening their eyes. In all honesty, they didn’t look any more menacing than every other vampire that I’d ever come across. Nevertheless, it was always a mistake to underestimate an enemy.

“Can I help you?” I asked, my voice sounding surprisingly even, though I was feeling feral as fuck.