Page 27 of Noctis

“I don’t need a babysitter, Kalon.”

“I’m not your fucking babysitter!” he thundered. “I’m your fucking partner! I’m your fuckinglife!”

“I’ll handle it,” I repeated, and the next thing that I knew, Kalon had me up against the wall, his hand wrapped around my neck, something that he loved doing, apparently.

“I need you to listen to me, and I need you to listen very carefully, Mora,” he growled in my face. “You aremine. Youbelongto me. I fuckingownyou. Are you listening?”

“Not when you don’t belong to me in return, Kalon,” I told him. “You don’t get to pick and choose which part of my life you want to be involved in. If you won’t feed off me, then I won’t feed off you. If you aren’t going to trust me, then I’m not going to trust you. If you want to figure this disaster out on your own, then I’ll be doing the same.” I leaned up in his face. “We might be bound together by that stupid prophecy, but we’re hardly attached at the hip.”

His fingers began to dig into my neck.“Allof me belongs to you,” he replied. “The rest of your bullshit is just details.”

I closed my eyes, laughing to myself at how he hadn’t denied any of what I’d said. He was dismissing it as bullshit, but he wasn’t denying that he didn’t want to feed off me. He wasn’t denying that he didn’t trust me. He wasn’t denying that he wanted to figure this mess out on his own.

When I opened my eyes, I immediately pushed him off me when more visions started to assault me. With my fingertips pushing at my temples, I squeezed my eyes shut as the images began to flash with clearer details. I could see three vampires standing in the clearing leading up to the cabin, and they weren’t friendly. Pushing my fingertips harder against my head, I wondered how they could know about me already. If the visions included the cabin, then this was…these images took place in the near future.

“Goddamn it, Mora,” Kalon growled. “Tell me what the fuck is going on?”

Just as quickly, the visions vanished, and it only took me a second or two to straighten and collect myself. These visions weren’t like the other ones, the ones that had given me glimpses into the others’ lives. I felt these deeper, but that was probably because they felt malevolent.

I looked up at Kalon, and I knew that I was going to have to tell him. This wasn’t about us or our issues. The visions showed the cabin, so it stood to reason that Kalon was going to be here whenever these vampires showed up, right? If he was going to be here, then he had the right to be able to defend himself against whatever was coming.

“Three vampires are going to be showing up here,” I finally told him. “And they don’t feel friendly.”

His entire frame stilled. “What?”

“I saw them earlier,” I admitted. “They have something to do with Thorin. He…he was in bed with a blonde, and that’s somehow connected to the three vampires coming here.”

I watched Kalon pull his phone out and dial Brander. “Thorin told that stupid bitch about Mora,” he said into the phone, bypassing any pleasantries. “Thorin talked, and now we’re going to have some visitors.” I couldn’t hear what Brander was saying, but it didn’t matter because I could hear Kalon perfectly fine. “I don’t give a fuck!” Kalon roared. “If anything happens to Mora, I’m going to fucking kill him, and Iwillgo through you if I have to, Brander. Oh, and you can tell Thorin that I’m coming for him.”

As soon as Kalon hung up on him, I asked, “What was that all about?”

“Thorin has a thing going with a woman named, Olympia Hamlin,” he answered. “She’s an independent vampire and holds no loyalty to anyone. He must have opened his mouth when he was done fucking her, and she must have…she must have gone back home and talked.”

“How can you be so sure that it’s her?”

“Because a coven would come after you with all its members,” he explained. “For better or for worse, we’re a family. Despite Brander not being completely honest about the prophecy, we’ve always decided things together. At the very least, the tribunal always meets with all its members, keeping us all informed of any decisions that could affect us.” Kalon let out a deep breath. “For three random vampires to show up out of the blue, they’d have to be independents.”

“They’re here to kill me,” I told him, feeling the ill-intent, though not necessarily knowing it for a fact. “You should probably be prepared for that, considering.”

If it were possible, Kalon looked even more pissed. “Because you think that I’d let them kill you?”

I shrugged. “Since I’m new to this, I’d say that the odds are in their favor.”

Kalon stepped towards me until I could feel his body’s coolness enveloping everything around me. “I know that I’m fucking this up, Mora,” he said. “Nevertheless, I wasn’t lying when I told you that I loved you. I wasn’t lying when I said that I wanted you more than I’ve ever wanted anything else in my life. That damn prophecy doesn’t change a goddamn thing.” His right hand came up to cradle my face. “I love you, and I’ll be dead before I let anyone hurt you. I don’t give a fuck that you’re more powerful than I am. I also don’t give a fuck if you don’t need me to fight your battles for you. You’re mine, and they’re more than welcomed to come after you, but they’re going to have to go through me first.”

“And if they do?”

His grey eyes softened. “According to the prophecy, you’ll end up setting the world on fire.”

Chapter 17


Iwas going to kill Thorin, and if his coven came after me, so be it. While I understood that incredibleness of the prophecy being more than what anyone had thought, the sonofabitch had been sworn to secrecy, and he had given his word to keep his fucking mouth shut until we knew more.

When my phone rang, Mora just looked at me, and the distrust in her eyes was killing me, even if it was my fault that she didn’t trust me. Hoping to fix it, I showed her the screen, so that she could see that it was Brander calling me back. I also put it on speaker when I answered.

“I’ve called the others,” Brander announced over the phone. “We can be there-”