Page 26 of Noctis

Mora nodded. “Afterwards, we can test the distance thing.”

“Okay,” I replied because I didn’t know what else to say. I needed to tread softly here. “Now that the sun is coming up, as soon as the sun goes back down, we can-”

“I want to go now,” she said, and she was fucking killing me. “I don’t want to wait until the sun goes down, and I also don’t need you for this.”

“So, is that your plan?” I snapped. “You felt rejected when I said that I didn’t want to drink from you, so you’re going to start rejecting me?”

Mora’s chin came up. “I’m not rejecting you,” she lied. “I’m just trying to figure out my new life.”

“Without me?”

“This will also help to test the capable distance between us,” she said reasonably, and I could feel myself getting angrier with each word that came out of her mouth. “I can search for something until I can’t go any further.”

“I wasn’t rejecting you, Mora,” I told her, knowing that it didn’t matter. Like she’d stated earlier, she didn’t know me, so why would she believe me? Where in the prophecy did it say that she was obligated to trust me? Plus, it'd been me that had kidnapped her, brought her here, then changed her against her will, so why in the fuck would she trust me?

“I’ll be back as soon as I’m done,” she said, ignoring my claims again.

Before I could say anything more, Mora was gone, and if the sun weren’t out, I would have gone after her. I would not have allowed her to experience her first feeding alone, even if it was only on an animal. Her first time should have been with me. I should be at her side for all her firsts. Mora should not be out there by herself, vulnerable to all the things that we still didn’t know about her.

Suddenly, I doubled over, already feeling the sharp pangs of distance. It wasn’t painful enough to drop me to my knees, but the discomfort was significant enough to make me have to catch my breath. I had no idea where Mora was, what she was doing, or how further out she planned to go, and the helplessness that I felt was un-fucking-manning.

I wasn’t sure how long I suffered through the discomfort, but when Mora was back inside the room, she looked slightly sick, though safe.

“About twenty-five miles,” she said, and then she was gone again.

Chapter 16


Ihonestly didn’t know if I was punishing Kalon or not for what he’d said about not wanting to drink from me, but I still wasn’t necessarily wrong. Even though Kalon had been the one to turn me, and even though he was a big part of the prophecy, I still needed to be able to maneuver through this life on my own. Our codependency didn’t have to be a strike against us. I didn’t see why we couldn’t do things on our own. In fact, if I found an apartment within twenty miles of Kalon’s home, then we didn’t even have to live together once this jacked-up vacation was over.

Twenty miles had been the marker of tolerance, and twenty-five miles had been the maximum before the separation had become too painful to function. It still felt unreal that I was connected to Kalon in this way, but there was no denying the proof. While I’d done my best to live in denial ever since I’d woken up tied to that damn bed, I could only stick my head in the sand for so long.

As for killing that first squirrel, it hadn’t been as bad as I’d thought it’d be. My mind had been reluctant as hell, but as soon as my incisors had come out, feeding had felt like a necessity rather than a choice. My new instincts had taken over, my mind no longer in control. My new instincts had taken over, and all my sense of right and wrong had been turned on its head. I knew that it was going to be different when I made my first human kill, but I knew that I was still going to be able to do it. It was a necessity now, and like anyone faced with life or death, killing was easy to do when it was necessary.

With Kalon sleeping/not sleeping in the room, I was in the living room with the television on because that felt normal. I wasn’t really watching it, but I didn’t know what else to do. Kalon had described ‘sleeping’ as more of a type of meditation, so I knew that he wasn’t really asleep, but I didn’t feel like bothering him. The past twenty-four hours hadn’t been fun, so if he needed to decompress, I didn’t blame him. It was the same reason that I wanted to meet my biological father. I needed to learn how to quiet my mind, and I could use all the help that I could get, including anything that Hugo might be able to tell me.

Suddenly, everything went dark. Flashes of threats began to bombard my mind’s eye, and though I could see the images clearly enough, I couldn’t gauge a timeline. I also saw images of Thorin Moldark lying in bed with a beautiful blonde. However, I had no idea if I was viewing something from the past or the future.

“Baby?” I opened my eyes and saw Kalon kneeling beside me. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

“Wh…what?” I asked, trying to focus.

“I was lying in bed when I felt you…bothered,” he said, doing his best to explain this bullshit between us. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I lied. “I’m fine.”

Kalon stood up, glaring down at me. “You’re fucking lying,” he snarled. “I canfeelthat something is wrong with you. I canfeelthat something is coming, Mora.”

I stood up because I was feeling defensive, confused, and combative. I stood up because I wasn’t going to let Kalon intimidate me. I wasn’t going to let him think that he could get away with demanding things from me when he’d made it painfully clear that he needed time to adjust to what I was and what that meant for him. Now, did I blame him? No. Hell,Iwas going to need a hell of a lot of time to come to terms with everything that was happening to me, so I understood.

I swear to God,I did.

However, the knife cut both ways, and if Kalon wanted time to learn more about our situation, so that his choices were more informed…well, then I deserved the same thing.

“Whatever it is, I’ll handle it,” I said, staring him in the eye, refusing to flinch, even though we both knew that I had no idea what I was doing. “There’s nothing like learning from trial by fire, right?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” he hissed down at me, looming over me like an avenging god. “Are you seriously telling me that you’re going to go off on your own when you have no idea what it means to live like we do?”