Page 21 of Noctis

“What else?” I asked because I knew that there was more to this than just needing Kalon on an unhealthy level; Ifeltit.

“You’re the first and only of our kind to possess the kinds of gifts that you possess,” Thorin answered, finally speaking. “While vampires generally get along for fear of discovery, once word of your existence gets out, some might feel threatened enough to come after you.”

“I’ll never let anything happen to you, Mora,” Kalon said, causing me to look his way again. His grey eyes looked like liquid mercury, and I believed him. I believed that he meant every single word. “They’ll have to get through me to get to you.”

“But that’s the problem,” Brander said, making me look back his way.

“Why is that a problem?” I asked.

“While you can’t be killed, Kalon can be, Mora,” Brander explained as kindly as he could, but I could feel my incisors peeking out at the mere suggestion of Kalon dying on me. The anger felt swift and thunderous, and Brander must have sensed it. “Relax,” he ordered. “Just…relax, Mora.”

As soon as I felt Kalon standing behind me, his hands on my shoulders, my teeth retracted, and I could feel myself calm down. While my mind was still trying to process everything, whatever had me tethered to Kalon was working naturally.

After a few seconds, I asked, “Why can’t I be killed?”

“We don’t know for sure that you can’t be, but the prophecy suggests that you can’t be,” Brander answered. “It is said that you will walk the land foralleternity. The rest of us aren’t guaranteed that, Mora. I’m over a one-thousand years old, and I’ve seen lots of vampires expire. Could be by the hands of another vampire or simply bad luck, but I’ve seen it happen.”

I glanced around at everyone, not sure what was expected of me, so I asked, “And what is it that you guys want from me? Because if the prophecy is true, and I can walk in the sunlight, then I plan on going back to work and living my life like I’d been doing before. I’m not disappearing on my family and friends. I’m not…I…Idon’tjust belong to you guys now.”

“No,” Brander replied carefully. “But youdobelong to Kalon.”

Chapter 13


As soon as I felt Mora ready to go for Brander’s throat, I had ushered us out of there. I’d wanted answers, and I’d gotten them, so there’d been no need to subject Mora to any more of their bullshit. She was still trying to process everything that was happening to her, so I didn’t need her going off halfcocked over possible threats to her new life.

So, after Brander had reminded Mora that she belonged to me, I stopped the meeting, promising Brander that we’d talk more later. For the first time ever, something mattered more to me than my own life and it was my job to take care of it-ofher.Knowing that he was still walking a fine line with me, Brander had conceded to talking later, and Thorin and Phaeron had been wise enough to go along with it.

Mora was staring at the window, unable to see through the black insulation that I’d placed on all the windows earlier, and I could feel how unsettled she was, which was unsettling me. She wasn’t the only one that had to adjust to our new codependency, and considering that vampires were generally solitary creatures, yeah, I was feeling a bit unsettled also.

“I don’t even know you,” she said, breaking the silence. “Apart from the visions of your earlier life, I know nothing about you. I know nothing about you, yet I’m bound to you in a way that will tear me apart if you’re ever taken from me. What the hell is that?”

I walked over to stand behind her. “I know it feels sudden for you, but I’ve been watching you since your birth,” I reminded her. “It’s not sudden for me.”

“That doesn’t help me,” she replied, but not cruelly. Mora was just stating the facts as she saw them. “That doesn’t make this any easier. I...I have no idea what I’m supposed to do now, no matter what I told Brander earlier. Even without the visions, adjustments, and you, I still don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I know nothing about being a vampire. When do I sleep?DoI sleep? Can I still eat real food? How do I feast and not get caught? Do I still need to condition my hair or use deodorant.” She shook her head. “I’m supposedly this…this powerful prophecy in a world that I know nothing about.”

I couldn’t help myself.

I slid my arms around her waist, pulling her back to hold her in my arms. “Baby, I know you’re confused, angry, and worried,” I said. “I know that it’s a lot. Don’t forget, I’ve been there. I’ve woken up to something that I didn’t understand. I’ve been where you are.”

“Oh, really?” she scoffed. “I seriously doubt it.” I knew that she was pissed, but as long as she was letting me hold her, she could be pissed off all she wanted. “When the sun comes up in a couple of hours, you’re going to slip back into your usual routine, and I’m not going to know what to do with myself.”

“The sun can’t hurt you, Mora,” I reminded her. “You can do whatever you want. You can even call your parents or Zaire. You can also slip back into your usual routine.”

“Except that there’s nothing usual about me anymore,” she retorted. “I’ve gone from having mildly strange dreams every now and again to visions of things that I don’t need to know. My brain feels like a movie reel that’s out of control.” I had no idea what to say to that since I had no idea what she was seeing. “And then there’s you.”

My arms tightened around her. “What about me?”

“I feel…bereft whenever you’re not near me, but I don’t even know your favorite color,” she said. “Your life has become the most important thing to me, even over my parents and Zaire, and I don’t even know what your favorite book is.”

“My favorite color is all of you,” I told her honestly. “My favorite book to read is the story of your body. My favorite flavor is the taste of your skin. My favorite movie is watching you cumming on my dick. My favorite food is your blood. My favorite song is the sound of you crying out my name when I’m deep inside you. My favorite way to relax is looking at you. My favorite hobby is existing only for you.” My arms tightened around her waist some more. “What else do you want to know about me?”

Mora turned around, then stepped out of my arms. “That’d all be nice if it weren’t for the fact that you only feel that way because of the prophecy,” she said, again, not unkindly. She was still stating the facts as she saw them. “None of that is real, Kalon. None ofusis real.”

I slid my hands inside the pockets of my sweats. “I hate to break it to you, Mora, but we’re about as real as it gets. In fact, it doesn’t get any more real than not being able to live without each other.”

She just nodded before changing the subject. “Do you know why I feel tired, but I’m not?”