Page 1 of Noctis


Istood in front of the tribunal, eyeing each man, listening to them lay out my life’s plan. While I wouldn’t have chosen this path myself, I didn’t have any real objections to anything that they were saying, either. I’d always known that these people expected more out of me, though I still never knew why. I didn’t see anything rare when I looked in the mirror, and contrary to popular belief, I looked in the mirror quite often.

Nevertheless, Brander claimed that there was something in my character that made me stronger than the rest, but I didn’t see it. Though I’d been called strong, arrogant, obnoxious, stubborn, and prideful many times in my life, those were traits that you could find in most of the world’s population.

Ignoring everyone else in the room, I listened patiently as Brander kept explaining their expectations of me. I listened as they laid out all the reasons why this was in the best interest of everyone on this side of the region. While I didn’t doubt Brander’s sincerity, I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t suspicious of Phaeron’s reasons, and for that matter, Thorin’s as well. Though they were all saying the right things, money and power made people do crazy things, something that I’d seen a million times over the years. There was a delicate balance to what we did, and none of us could afford to tip the scales. However, they were doing just that by laying out their plans for me.

“This will take place on her twenty-fifth birthday,” Brander stated. “When she is at her strongest.”

“You’ll have exactly one month to make it happen,” Thorin added. “Though we’ll leave the how, when, and where up to you.”

“Granted, we recommend that you do not take the entire month’s grace period to accomplish your task,” Phaeron advised. “The longer that you wait, the more opportunity for error.”

“I don’t make errors,” I informed him, proving why the people that called me arrogant weren’t wrong. “If I did, I wouldn’t be standing here before you now.”

“Nevertheless, this is nasty business, Kalon,” Phaeron said. “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“We’re very aware of what you bring to the table, Kalon,” Brander remarked. “However, we also recognize what this means for us all, and we just want to make sure that nothing…hinders what we’re trying to accomplish here.”

“I don’t make errors,” I repeated.

“For everyone’s sake, let’s hope that you don’t,” Thorin replied.

“Understand that it’s not enough to just claim her, Kalon,” Brander continued. “She will have towantto stand with you once it’s all said and done. If not, you’ll have one hell of a fight on your hands, son. Do not forget who she is.”

“I won’t,” I assured him.

“You’ll have plenty of time to study her, ensuring that you don’t forget who she is, so I suggest that you use that time wisely,” Thorin added, his tone making me suspicious all over again.

With all eyes on us, I knew now was not the time to bump dicks with these three, though it’d really be just Thorin and Phaeron because I trusted Brander. How could I not? The man that I was today was all accredited to Brander Thorne and his years of mentorship and loyalty.

“And what’s the plan if something tragic happens, preventing her from seeing the ripe old age of twenty-five?” I asked, having a question or two of my own.

“She will be assigned a shadow to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Brander answered. “She will be well-protected.”

“And what if she falls in love or marries before then?” I posed, asking my next question. “What if she falls pregnant?”

“The shadow will handle those issues as well,” Thorin answered. “There will be just enough interference in her life to make her readily available for when it’s time to make yourself known.”

I gave them a terse nod in acknowledgment. “Okay,” I replied. “However, I have a stipulation of my own, one that’s non-negotiable.”

“We make the rules-”

“Then find someone else,” I threatened, shrugging like I could take it or leave it, because I could.

“What’s your stipulation, Kalon,” Brander asked, shooting Phaeron a reprimanding glare.

“No matter what happens, you do not interfere in my methods,” I told them. “If she’s to be mine, then she will be minecompletely.”

With little choice but to agree, Brander said, “You have our word.”

I knew that I hadhisword, but the other two would remain to be seen.

Chapter 1


Staring out into the city’s skyline, the twinkling lights were like a beacon, calling on people to let their depravities loose. Though there was enough illumination to feel inviting, there were still plenty of dark spaces for the unspeakable to happen, and it did.