Page 20 of Noctis


Ididn’t want to appear needy, but there was something comforting about having Kalon near, and I was still doing my best to maneuver through the changes. I also knew that once I was comfortable in my skin again, I was going to be pissed the hell off at Kalon again for what he’d done to me. Prophecy or no prophecy, he’d had a choice when it came to changing me or not, and he had chosen to be selfish. He had chosen to change me, no matter how much I had begged him, and that wasn’t okay.

After Leander had left, Kalon and I had taken a shower, going at it a second time, but I was pretty sure that he’d done it to satisfy my hunger. I wasn’t ready to kill someone for my feasting, and Kalon had to know that. So, he had taken me again in the shower, letting me drink from him, giving me what I needed to get through these next few hours.

Clean and dressed, he had warned me that our choice of travel was going to feel disorientating at first, but he had promised that I’d get used to it. Of course, what choice did I have? I was going to live forever, so I supposed that was plenty of time to get used to anything.

So, now we were at Brander’s house, a large, elegant, dated mansion that belonged in the south but was located in the deserted mountains of Nevada. He was far enough away from civilization that I couldn’t see anyone ever discovering him here. However, that was probably perfect for him, considering.

Two other men were with him, and just like I’d known who Leander had been, I knew them to be Thorin Moldark and Phaeron Aurel. There were also four other people here, apart from Leander. Jaris Norrix, Elissa Abby, Faine Rowena, and Marcel Ruse were all a part of Kalon’s coven, and I knew them like I knew Leander, Brander, Thorin, and Phaeron. Like Kalon had insisted, no one else was in attendance, and I honestly didn’t know if that was good or bad.

Once everyone got settled, Kalon was the first to speak. “Tell her everything,” he demanded. “And I mean every-fucking-thing, Brander.”

“Now, Kalon-”

“Shut the fuck up, Phaeron,” Kalon snapped. “Or I swear to God, I will take Mora and you’ll never see either of us again.”

“Son, calm down-”

“Tell her!” Kalon roared.

I could feel Kalon’s anger like it was my own, and I wanted to reach out to him, but I knew that if I did, it’d make us both look weak and that was unacceptable. While there was a lot that I didn’t know, I knew that much.

Brander let out a heavy sigh before addressing me. “I’m going to skip what Kalon has already explained to you and tell you the things that you might not know. Your biological father, Hugo Draka, had been chosen for a shadow. A shadow is a human being that believes in our existence to the point of loyalty to our species. He was extremely heavy into black magic and could even conjure up visions and spells if he had a mind to.” It still felt weird to hear this about my birth parents. “Your mother, Emmaline Chapman, was psychic, clairvoyant, and an empath.”

“Aren’t psychic and clairvoyant the same thing?” I asked.

Brander shook his head. “No. You can be psychic without being clairvoyant. Being psychic just means that your intuition is sharper than most human’s. Clairvoyant means that you can actually see visions and/or the future.”

“Oh…okay,” I muttered for lack of anything more intelligent to say.

“Phaeron had come across your father one night and had felt Hugo’s energy enough to consider him a candidate for becoming a shadow. After tailing him for a few months, Phaeron finally approached him and it hadn’t gone as planned.,” Brander continued. “Hugo started ranting and raving about knowing that we were coming for him. He’d been so terrified that he’d started confessing about Emmaline’s visions. The more he ranted, the more Phaeron recognized the prophecy in his words.”

“I immediately contacted Brander and Thorin to let them know what I’d found,” Phaeron said, finally saying something while Thorin still kept silent. “Thorin kept an eye on your father as Brander and I located your mother.”

“Did you guys kill her?’ I asked, not sure how I felt about that. Even though my brain recognized that this person had been my birth mother, I still felt detached from the story; I hadn’t known the woman. My mother was Wendy Kamra, and my father was Kyle Kamra. The facts of my birth didn’t change that. I cared about the parents who hadraisedme, not two people that I’d never met.

“Not exactly,” Phaeron hedged.

“What he means is that wehadto kill her, Mora,” Brander said, taking over again. “When we found her, she’d been about to kill herself. We literally found her in the nick of time. She’d already secured the noose around her neck.” Brander stared at me with his black eyes. “We had to kill her in order to save you.”

“However, not before she revealed the rest of the prophecy,” Phaeron added. “A part that none of us had known about. Either it’d gotten lost in the years of its telling, or no one had ever known the full truth. Either way, we had no reason to believe that your mother had been lying when she revealed the second part of the prophecy.”

“Which is?”

“She’d said that…” Brander let out another heavy breath. “That…only the immortal of the immortals would be able to capture the visionary of darkness. Once he did that, their gifts would become two halves of a whole, separation not an option. Their separation could end in world destruction.”

“What does that mean?” I asked suspiciously.

“When we feast, we have to drain our victims of all their blood,” he explained. “If we leave enough for our poison to travel throughout their body, they’ll turn. So, just for future reference, when you finally do begin feasting, make sure you drain your victims dry, Mora.” I nodded, letting him know that I understood. “Anyway, I’d never meant to turn Kalon.” My eyes shot Kalon’s way, and I knew that he already knew this. “I’d been feasting that night, and I’d made sure to drain him. However, instead of dying, Kalon had been turned, and from all the research that I’d done, and have still been doing, he’s the only vampire to have ever survived a feasting.”

“Making him the immortal of the immortals,” I surmised.

Brander nodded. “And you’re the visionary of darkness.”

“So, what does that mean? What does that mean for us?” I asked, already knowing the answer because I couldfeelthe goddamn answer.

“That pull you feel? That need to be near him?” Brander’s face softened as he spoke. “That’s the prophecy, Mora. You and Kalon are bound in a way that the rest of us will never understand. You cannot exist without each other. If you’re ever faced with having to, it will be a painful, miserable, dark existence. Your thirst and need for him will even supersede your thirst and need for blood.”