While the king lies trembling at Aggonid's feet, I can't help but wonder if this was all for show—to prove to the people of Romarie no one messes with the devil without facing his wrath.

"Why are you keeping him alive?" I ask, still clutching a sanguimetal amplifier tightly in my hand.

Aggonid's gaze flickers over to me, then back to the prone form of King Valtorious. "Let's just say he's more useful to me alive than dead," he says, his voice tinged with amusement.

I nod slowly, still unsure of what's happening. Oceana tugs at my sleeve, her expression wary. Her teal hair has come loose from the long braid that hangs to her waist, and it gives a wild edge to her beauty. "You should go," she says.

I turn to face her fully and shake my head. "You can't stay here, Oceana." Panic rises in my chest. "He'll kill you for helping us!" This merfae might not know my best friend, but every merfae I know are kind and loyal.

She gestures to the binds around her ankles. "These prevent me from leaving." She shoves the amplifier into my hand. "Go!"

I whip around towards Aggonid. "You can remove these, can't you?"

He crouches low, examining the binds. "Yeah, this is weak enough." He snaps his fingers, and the binds dissolve into nothing.

Oceana scrambles up and takes off running, not looking back as she flees from the grounds.

I watch her go before turning to face the devil again. "Will she be safe here? In Romarie?"

"As long as she gets to the sea in time, she'll be fine." Aggonid sounds certain, and the worry in me eases.

Gratitude chokes me, tears pricking at my eyes as I study Aggonid's softened features. He's so different like this. Less 'I'm going to use my shadow puppets to destroy the entire realm' and more 'I'll use my shadow puppets to destroy your enemies if only you promise to be mine.'

The devil nods before standing up, his eyes serious once more as he gestures to the portal. "Let's go," he says, urgency lacing his words. "We need to hurry. I’m under no illusion Ollin was keeping us here to stall for something."

I follow him towards the portal, my mind racing with questions and confusion. Aggonid's behavior towards me has been erratic, and I still don't know why he's keeping the king alive. But I don't have time to ponder on these thoughts as we approach the swirling vortex of light and energy.

Aggonid steps forward, his hands raised as he begins to chant in a language I've never heard before. The air around us shimmers and warps, and the portal grows wider as if responding to his incantations.

"Come on," he says, motioning for me to follow. "We have to go now."

I take a deep breath and step through the portal, feeling a rush of energy coursing through my body. The world around me shifts and morphs into a dark, twisted hallway different than the one we entered from. It's now a landscape of jagged rocks and fiery pits. The air is thick with the scent of sulfur and brimstone, and the distant howls of demonic creatures echo through the abyss.

Aggonid lands beside me, his eyes scanning the surroundings. I study him, wondering what he plans to do now that we're here. He takes off towards the end of the tunnel, and I have no choice but to follow him.

"What is this place?" I trail my fingers along the damp walls, avoiding the glowing fungi.

"This is the back entrance beneath Hellwing," he murmurs, his steps hesitant.

"Why did it take us here?"

"It shouldn't have. There's no portal beneath the castle, or at least there never used to be."

A loud crash echoes through the dark and damp tunnel, causing Aggonid to freeze. The sound seems to come from deep within the bowels of the earth, and it sends a chill down my spine. The devil’s hand moves instinctively to his sword of shadows, and I take a defensive stance, my eyes scanning the tunnel for any sign of movement.

As we wait, I become aware of the musty smell of the underworld, mixed with the scent of damp stone and mold. The air is heavy, making it difficult to breathe. There's a faint humming sound in the distance, almost like a low, steady vibration, that seems to be coming from the walls themselves.

Suddenly, Caius appears at the end of the hallway, battle-ready with armor and a battle axe held in one hand. His surprise at seeing Aggonid quickly gives way to relief, and he rushes over to embrace his mate, the weapon clattering to the ground. As they exchange murmurs of love and worry, I take a moment to study the tunnels around us.

The walls are made of rough-hewn stone, and there are occasional torches mounted on brackets, casting flickering shadows on the uneven surfaces. I catch a glimpse of something moving in the darkness, and I realize with a jolt that we are close to the dungeons.

Caius interrupts my thoughts with a sharp exclamation. "You guys were gone for twenty-six days!"

Aggonid's eyes widen in shock, and he releases Caius to stare at me. "It felt like two nights," he whispers.

I glance between the two of them. "We slept twice, right? Or was it three times? How is this possible?"

Caius's brow furrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"