"Pfft. I'm agod, Morte." He chuckles, and it reverberates throughout the room. When he speaks like this, the nursery rhymes children tell on playgrounds and in mirrors before bed at slumber parties hold a lot more weight. I've seen his cruelty, been a victim of it first-hand. "He can try to keep us here, but he won't succeed."
I bite my lip, tugging it between my teeth in a nervous gesture.
Aggonid takes my hand in his, his eyes flashing with a dangerous glint. "Let them try to hurt what's mine," he growls, his voice low and menacing. "Anyone who dares to harm you will face my wrath. I’m a god, and I will not hesitate to rain down fire and brimstone upon those who dare to cross us. No one will take you from me. I will protect you, and together we will watch as our enemies fall at our feet, consumed by the flames of our power." He pulls me close, his lips brushing against my ear. "Trust me, love. With me by your side, no one can touch you."
His words hold no evidence of lies, and I feel the full power of his conviction behind them. Whether or not he's lying to himself, though, is another question.
One I intend to find out the answer to.After I free Wilder.
* * *
I learnthe servant with hobbled legsisa merfae, and her name is Oceana. The ache in my chest at Wilder's absence intensifies as I watch her take a few pieces of clothing out of a closet I hadn't noticed before.
Is he still in a cell by himself? Does he think of me?
Oceana had tried to enter the room earlier, but Aggonid blocked anyone from coming into it, so I had to wake him up to let her in.
It's late morning and we missed them knocking for breakfast.
"Sorry," I mumble as she sets the folded pile of clothing onto the bed.
"It's alright." Oceana grins, her eyes crinkling with warmth.
"My best friend is merfae," I whisper, and her mouth drops open. "In Bedlam."
"Really?" she asks, her voice hushed.
I nod, and she grins wider.
"Why does he hobble you like that?" I point to the binds around her ankles.
Her face shutters. "So I can't shift."
Bile rises in my throat as memories of Wilder in chains he can't undo flood my mind. I couldn't even fit enough pieces of fabric around his wrists without them cutting into his skin.
Wilder is strong, but he's not that strong.
Oceana's gaze slides away in the sudden silence, like she knows exactly what I'm thinking.
"It's okay," she says softly. "It's just how things are around here."
My guilt overwhelms me, and I can't say anything, so instead I just nod, and she sets about gathering jewelry from a pouch at her waist.
She hands me a simple metal bracelet with a pearl adorning the center. "King Valtorious asks that you wear this as his guest tonight." She winces.
"His guest?" I ask, glancing behind me to where Aggonid inspects the bookshelf. What is he looking for? I thought he’d gotten all the spy devices.
"There's a ball—"
"No." Aggonid booms, and the room shakes from the power of it, causing Oceana to cower.
I place my hand on her forearm to steady her as I glare behind me. She trembles under my touch.
"Stop scaring her," I hiss.
He blinks, glancing at Oceana. "Sorry." He turns his attention back to me. "Ollin is not your friend. He would sooner kidnap you and make you his concubine than he would treat you with a modicum of respect. We're staying in tonight, waiting for the meeting with King Finian tomorrow, then we're finding a way out of here."
His gaze is hard, but I can see a hint of vulnerability in his features. He's worried.