As though he knows the effect he's having on me, he pulls back, motioning towards the trunk. "See if there's anything in there you like."
His voice is low and though not tender, it's kind.
I obey, knees shaking as I make my way to the trunk and rummage through the clothing until I find a loose-fitting silk button-down shirt. It's azure, the fabric so dark it's nearly black. The cuffs are frayed, though the rest of it is pristine. Feeling shy, I wait until he's turned around and slip it over my head. It falls mid-thigh, and the distinct scent of spice curls around me.
He turns around and surveys me, eyes trailing to my bare thighs. "It suits you," he says huskily.
My heart flutters as those words linger in my mind, echoing over and over. I take a shaky breath, forcing my mind to stop relishing in the closeness of him. He grins, slowly dragging his gaze up and down my body and I feel the heat pooling between my legs. Gesturing to the bed, he suggests what's to come and my mouth goes dry. I slowly stand, feeling a tug toward the bed as I approach it. Sitting on the mattress I cross my ankles, trying to block out the anticipation that's climbing up my spine.
"We don't have to do this." He joins me, intertwining our hands as electricity buzzes between us. His touch sends waves of pleasure through me, making it harder and harder to resist. "But if you choose to, I won't stop you."
I gaze up at him warily, my eyes darting over every inch of his face, trying to uncover whatever secrets lie hidden within. Somehow the closeness of him is soothing, but I'm still guarded. "I don't even know you—"
A feral cry from outside pierces the air and I jerk backward, the moment broken by the beast's looming presence.
"Will it get us?" I curl up into a ball and tuck myself further back onto the bed, making sure every part of me is safely tucked away.
"I won't let anything hurt you," he murmurs as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me tight against him.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. His heart thumps steadily in my ear and I can feel its power both reassuring and terrifying me to my core.
I grip his shirt tightly in my fist as the ravenous cries of what sounds like wolves claw at my door, desperate to claim me. I shudder, my body trembling with fear, and yet I find comfort in his tender touch as his hand moves through my hair. My finger follows the lines of his chest, learning the hard dips and curves that form the armor of this mysterious man.
I know next to nothing about this man who came to save me. All I know is he works for the court.
"Where are you from?" I ask, still unnerved by the sounds just outside.
"Here," he murmurs.
"You were born in the underworld?" I prod.
He hums. "More or less. Two hundred more years until my servitude is over." He speaks solemnly, as if a heavy weight sits on his shoulders.
"Then what?" I press him further.
"Then I'll be free to go wherever I wish in the abyss of the underworld."
"Why do you have to serve Aggonid?" I ask, dreading the answer.
"Punishment for being an acquaintance to someone who wronged him. Mine was a thousand years of servitude to the court."
"But that's not fair." I look up at him, my eyebrows furrowing. A pang of sorrow reverberates through me. "I'm sorry," I whisper. "You shouldn’t be forced to pay for someone else’s sins."
All the more reason for me to get Wilder out of prison.
Az drops his head in resignation. "It is what it is. That's how life works in hell, Morte."
"Have you tried winning the hunt to get out of it?"
He sneers, mocking himself. "I've won the last thirty hunts. But I can never wish away my servitude."
"Why not?"
"I pissed Aggonid off. So, he cursed me to stay put, even if I win the hunt every time. Caius is the only one who can break the curse."
I gape at him in shock. "Caius?"
"Yep," he clips.