My posture relaxes, watching the two volley back and forth.
"You don't have a choice," Aggonid says darkly. "Unlock the chains or else."
She stares at him, and his face turns hard. She takes a deep breath and stands, pushing her chair back. Planting her hands on her hips, she narrows her gaze. "Or else what?"
Morte meanders towards the bedroom door, and I scramble after her. Where in the blazes is she going?
Aggonid has no choice but to follow, lest he want to be dragged behind her. She trots down the hallway, taking the stairs to the main level where the giant bathroom is. By the time Aggonid slips inside, she's stripping out of her clothes, revealing her slender curves.
He stares at her in shock, then spins to face me. "What is she doing?"
"Bathing." I smirk, already following in her wake. "You going to join us, or are you just a spectator now?" There's more than enough room for a small army in this.
Morte steps into the bathtub, and the warm water envelopes her body. Steam rises from the surface, creating a thin, impenetrable fog that swirls around us as I climb in with her.
Aggonid stops just outside the tub, a torn expression on his face. "Morte," he hisses.
She brings her hand to the amulet around her throat, playing with it between her fingers before dipping them between her breasts. "Yes?" she purrs, a smirk playing on her lips.
His jaw tightens, and he slams his fist on the edge of the tub. "You will unlock those chains after I pry the key from your body," he growls.
I wade over to her, pulling her away from his wrath. "Let's be civil, shall we?"
She only lifts her chin and regards him with stoic resolve. "You can try."
I band my arm around her waist, loving the hold she has over the both of us, even if Aggonid won't admit it. My little phoenix is less of a sparrow and more like an earth-like cassowary.
Pressing a kiss to the junction where her shoulder meets her neck, I keep my eyes trained on Aggonid, who's still shirtless and looking just as tempting as our little morsel. "You could make a deal," I offer.
His scowl deepens. He's not used to people bargaining with him because they fear him too much to ever tell him no.
Morte seems okay letting me hold her, so I back away to the little ledge along the far wall and keep her on my lap. All it would take it for her to tell me yes, she wants this, and I'd spear her right here. But instead, I'm content to feel her heat against mine.
"How about this, Aggie," she purrs. Oh, he hates that name. "If you promise to give Finn a message to pass along to Wilder, I'll unchain us as soon as I get hold of the key."
His eyes turn stormy, and he considers her proposal for a moment. Finally, he grunts. "If I must."
A grin spreads across my face. Perfect. "Come on in here, love, and make it official."
He levels me with a look that says I'll pay for that later. My tongue darts out to wet my lips, and a shiver of excitement runs up my spine in anticipation of it.
His fingers move with purpose as he undoes the knot around his waist, letting his pants puddle around his feet. He's full and erect, and I can taste the desire pouring off Morte as she drinks him in.
Me, too, little dove, me too.
He saunters into the tub, steam billowing around him as he takes his seat. Using his free hand, Aggonid takes hold of the chain and pulls us both in with a tug. My cock twitches at the contact, eager for what comes next.
We settle into the water, our feet just barely touching the bottom as we face each other. He grasps Morte's chin and drags his thumb over her bottom lip, eliciting a soft moan from her.
* * *
Aggonid gazes into my eyes,his lips soft and inviting. I know he won't kiss me—not yet—so I lean forward and trace my own lips along his jawline until I reach the hollow of his ear. His breath catches as I whisper my offer.
"I vow to free us from these chains, but will you want me to?"
Where that comes from, I don't know. Ever since breakfast, I've felt braver, more willing to take risks without fear. Almost as though the little hussy of a beast inside me has taken over, fallen to her back, and is begging them to sate her.