Even if it means I’m stuck in the underworld.

* * *


I almost gave in.The call of her soul is almost too much to take, begging for me to hold it, to love it.

Is that what caused her to chain herself to me? Does she feel it, too?

My mate is cruel, but I am crueler. I won't give Morte a chance to break the bond between Caius and me; the bond I cherish above all else. Morte will be safe in his arms until I can get rid of her for good. Once she's back where she belongs, I'll stop pining for her; the distance between worlds too great to feel the pull.

I need to stop imagining what it'd be like to slide between her thighs and make her mine. To sate this ache inside of me, demanding I claim her. Like a siren, she tempts me with every lashing, every heated gaze thrown my way when she thinks I'm not looking. It calls to the beast in me.

But no, I can't let her win. She'll take everything from me.

My heart twists painfully as I watch Morte pressed against Caius's chest, his steady breaths lulling her to sleep in his arms. I can feel the warmth radiating from her body and my cock twitches with longing, desperate to bury itself inside her. So much so, I use my magic to eviscerate the clothes she came to bed with. She knew the rules, but chose to ignore them.

I clench my fists until my nails dig deep into my palms, controlling my urges to rip her away from him and make her mine. I can't help but slide my hand downwards, imagining it's her curves that I'm caressing, her body that trembles in anticipation of my touch. Morte may be off limits, but I can still dream.

With my head thrown back and eyes tightly shut, I picture her in my arms and my skin tingles in anticipation of the forbidden pleasure. Fisting myself, I pretend she's ours, and I'm buried in her.

It's a dangerous game to play, the metal clanking together from where the manacle is cuffed at my wrist, but I can't seem to help myself. I beat a steady rhythm against the mattress and let my thoughts will me away, thrusting against my palm's tight grip as I picture her curves. I'm so close to coming, so close to being lost to the pleasure of it all.

But then a quiet moan from Caius reminds me of my limits. He rolls to his back, still sound asleep, but lying on his chest is the one woman who can ruin this all for us.

She breathes deeply, her crimson tresses splayed over his abs. Her bowed lips part, and a soft, quiet wind blows from them with each exhale. I can't help but stare, mesmerized by the beauty in front of me. The blanket is pulled tight against her, her breasts nearly spilling out the top of it. All it would take is a little tug and I'd reveal those perfect little rosebuds I'm dying to close my mouth around.

Desire climbs inside me, the heat slicking my skin with sweat, so I throw the covers off me, continuing to stroke my cock. I watch the rise and fall of her chest, unable to turn away from the sight. My own breathing becomes shallow, the urge to pull her onto my lap growing ever stronger.

A tiny gasp escapes her, and my eyes snap to her face, meeting her wide-eyed stare. My gaze never wavers, as if daring her to look away. Her hand slowly inches up Caius's chest, her fingers curling around his shoulder. I can feel the pull between us even though we're not touching. Her leg hitches over him, and she rocks her hips against his in time to my stroke.

I can't take much more of this and with a groan of pleasure, I let go, thick ropes jetting out and spilling my seed on my abdomen. Morte's eyes widen and a whisper of pleasure escapes her lips. I've never wanted anyone more in my life than I want her now,but I can't have her.

Still strung high despite my orgasm, I roll to my side, drawing myself closer to Caius. She watches as I gather my release from my stomach, then I pull the blanket down and strain my neck to reach Caius's ear.

"I need you," I whisper.

He stirs, eyes fluttering open. A gasp escapes Morte and she makes to shrink away from him, but his hand flies out, clasping tight to keep her in place.

I reach between us, tugging on Caius's cock, feeling the metal bars against my palm. A groan escapes him, and he rocks his hips against my lubricated fist.

Morte watches us intently, her cheeks pink, eyes glazed and heavy. But I see where Caius has her pinned to him, and with every piston of his hips, he's creating friction for her, right where she needs it.

Voice laced with desire, Caius calls her name. Her eyes snap to his.

"I'm redeeming that kiss."

"Now?" she squeaks.


* * *


If I weren't alreadyin hell, I'd know exactly where I'd be headed. While I was too chicken to be more than a spectator, Caius made the decision for me, forcing my hand.

I lunge for his face, my fingers dragging along his rough skin as my eyes lock onto his. I press my lips against his with a hunger that could devour worlds, feeling my heart race and my soul tremble as I succumb to the kiss. His gaze pierces me, seeing all my secrets and desires without ever uttering a word. It's too much, so I shutter my eyes.