He grabs my hand, and I make to yank it back, but his claws dig into my wrist. I let out a cry as crimson wells up in the grooves, and it drips down my forearm before wicking into my clothes. Ice forms in its place for a brief moment before melting into my blood.

"I—" I begin to protest, but before I can get any more words out, he speaks a strange language. A jolt of energy courses through me, rushing towards every cell. The heat of the realm no longer suffocates me, and I can breathe properly for the first time in the underworld.

"What did you just do?" I gasp, staring at him wide-eyed. The sweltering effects of this entire place no longer harms me.

"Earned your trust," he croons before his tongue darts out, licking the blood from my wrist, trailing along my arm and up to my elbow.

I shiver, my skin tingling where his mouth touched me.

"Trust, Morte." He pulls away, eyes hooded, and I see the sincerity in them. "In this realm, we work on a balance system. Everyone has something of value, whatever it is, and I just gave you a part of mine."

"I'm not saying I agree with it, but I understand it.” I swallow. “Will you please tell me how I can earn a favor from Aggonid?"

"And you will trust me in exchange?"

A sigh passes my lips, and I hesitate. "I will trust you more than I do now. Fair enough?"

He grins at me with his crooked smile, a roguish twinkle in his eyes. "For now," he says, cupping my cheeks and pulling me towards him.

I feel my body responding to this man before I can think twice. My blood warms, a hot blush spreading across my face. What is happening to me?

He leans in, and I close my eyes. His lips are warm and soft, like a spring day, tender in their movement against mine. Sparks flare up inside of me, searing and sudden. I can feel the energy zinging between us as he pulls away, his eyes a brilliant shade of blue that somehow keeps me captivated.

"Deal sealed."

"What?" I mutter, transfixed by the glowing orbs in front of me.

"You may use my name to earn a favor from Aggonid after you've won the hunt."

I blink, rage blinding me. "But winning the hunt already grants me a favor!"

"Yes, but this will give you one more." He grins. "But use it wisely. He'll do anything for me, but even he has his limits."

"Thank you, Caius."

The air seems to thicken as he hears his name on my lips, each syllable traveling through his body like electricity. His muscles tense as he stares. "Say that again," he murmurs.

I hesitate. "Caius?"

Goosebumps line his arms as he closes his eyes. "One more time, please."

My voice is a whisper, spoken so softly. "Caius."

This time, it's me who shudders with a full-body shiver.

His hooded eyes meet mine, and his features soften. "I knew it."

"Knew what?"

His hand grips the manacle at my ankle, and he avoids answering my question. I'm about to call him on it when he speaks.

"Do you want to deal for this?" He produces a key out of thin air. It's tiny and gold and attached to a small chain. "This key will remove your manacle, and you can keep it, or use it as a weapon if you must."

Blinking, I try to make sense of the abrupt change in him, but then I consider his words for a moment. Technically, he's offering two favors. Removing my chainsandgiving me a way to defend myself. "And I'm the only one who can remove those chains once I place them?"

"So long as you have the key, yes."

"And you're doing this to earn my trust?"