My mouth goes dry. I swallow hard. "Why would he hurt me?" I was under the impression he was infatuated with me.

"We need you to survive him. When he's feral, there's no doubt he'll come straight for you." She chuckles. "There's a reason my brother's only lover is Aggonid. He's too powerful. And when feral?" She shakes her head. "No one has survived him yet."

I clutch the necklace tighter. "And this will ensure I do?"

She nods. "It will protect you from his worst. Without this, it would be too dangerous."

"And what's in it for you? Why do you care what happens to me?"

Her gaze is serious. "Your survival benefits us both. I need the Wild Pursuit to end. And you are my only chance of making sure it does."

"But why?"

She laughs bitterly. "You ask too many questions. I promise you'll know soon enough."

I stare at the necklace in my hand. "Fine. I'll do it." My voice echoes in the small room, a tiny spark of rebellion kindling in my chest. I look up and she smiles, a strange glint in her eyes. If I can wear this necklace, I won't be harmed, and I'll be able to fight back when Caius tries to bed me.

"Good." She steps back. "Now stand, and let's make this official."

I'd forgotten about how they seal their promises here.

She places her hands on either side of my face, her eyes closing in concentration. She starts mouthing strange words, and a sudden warmth wraps around me. Her cool lips press to mine, and a wave of power crashes into me, almost knocking me off my feet.

When she pulls away, I can taste her power on my lips.

"Don't let him know you have that." She gestures towards the glowing necklace.


"He doesn't like me meddling in his affairs."

"That'll cost you."

"And here, I was beginning to like you," she purrs. After studying me for a moment, she sighs. "What'll it be?"

I reach down and hold up the chain at my ankle. "Get this off of me."

She grins. "No can do. The only one who can take it off is the one who put it on. I’d only made it seem like you didn’t have it on when you bathed."

"I'm assuming that was Caius." I frown.

"Correct. Although, I can lengthen it so you can leave the hut? Only twenty yards or so." She inspects it. "Deal?"

"Deal." I sigh, pressing my lips to hers.

This time, her hand cups my neck, holding me in place as she deepens the kiss. When she pulls away, her eyes twinkle with something akin to appreciation.

"Until we meet again," she says softly, stepping back and turning away.

I stay where I am until the door closes behind her, and then I reach up to touch my lips. Plopping back onto the bed, I shove the necklace into one of the slashes in the mattress for safekeeping.



Hoisting the heavy chain into my arms, I bring it with me out the door, letting it drop link by link as I venture outside. Glancing up at the star-speckled sky, I count three moons hidden behind clouds. Smoke no longer obscures the land.

My stomach growls, and I rub it. Do I get meals here, or do I have to forage for food? And will I continue to be hungry even if I eat? Eternal damnation and all that. What happens if I don’t eat? Do I cease to be?