I breathe a sigh of relief mixed with a little bit of disappointment at his easy acquiescence. Part of me was hoping he’d force me to stay here.
“That sounds great,” I agree before Bruno drives me back to my lonely cabin on the other side of the lake.
I end up spending the night regretting my decision to come back to the rental cabin, alone.
The next morning, I’m dressed and ready twenty minutes before Bruno is due to arrive. I pace in front of the fireplace, attempting to bring my racing pulse under control but it’s a lost cause. The mob boss wormed his way into my mind and my heart, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget him, so I plan to jump into this relationship with both feet.
When his loud knock echoes through the small cabin, I take a deep breath and walk over to open the door. Wow. I almost self-combust, staring at Bruno Revello’s hot body. I take in his blood-red polo shirt and faded jeans feeling my pulse accelerate.
“Good morning.” I smile at him and step back for him to come in. A shocked gasp bubbles up my throat when he pulls me close and covers his lips with mine. I melt against his hard body and let my eyes fall closed. Fireworks blast behind my eyelids as Bruno slides his tongue into my mouth.
Everything around us disappears as Bruno kisses me within an inch of my life. I give a little grumble of disappointment when he pulls back and lays his forehead against mine. “Good morning, little siren.” His warm breath brushes against my cheek as I debate jumping his bones. Where in the world did that crazy thought come from?
“Huh?” My mushy mind has no idea what we were even talking about.
“I was returning your greeting.” Bruno’s hand runs up and down my back, causing all my brain cells to scatter.
“Okay,” is the only word I’m able to mutter as I melt against his massive body. Bruno’s masculine scent wraps around me, guaranteeing I have no idea what we’re discussing. When he runs his nose along my collarbone, I feel my unused girly bits wake up and join the party.
“I have an entire day planned for us.” He bites my ear, getting my attention. “If you trust me to make it good for you.” My fuzzy mind would agree to just about anything right now. I nod in agreement as he leans down to kiss me again. I love to feel his lips moving against mine. I forget about everything else and let him devour my lips. He places his palms on either side of my head and holds me still for his kiss. “I dreamed about your sweet lips and luscious curves all night long.” His words send excitement zipping down my spine before he steps back and smiles at me. “It was the longest night of my life.”
I couldn’t agree more. “I didn’t sleep at all.” The words fall from my lips before I’m able to stop them.
Bruno steps back and stares into my eyes. “Since we’re suffering from the same issues, I suggest we do something to alleviate our shared problem.”
“What do you suggest?” I ask as he sits next to me and starts the vehicle.
I hold my breath waiting for his answer. Things seem to be happening super fast, and I’m having trouble keeping up, but I don’t want to slow them down, either.
“I want you to stay with me from now on.” His words confirm that he’s feeling the same way. “I can’t sleep knowing that you’re all alone. I need to know you’re safe, and the only way I can do that is if you're at my place.” It makes sense, but I’m not ready to jump into bed with my mob boss. “You can sleep in the guest bedroom if you prefer. Of course, I’m going to do my best to convince you to share my bed.” I wonder if he can read my mind.
“I’d like to start off in the guest room, then we can see how things go.” I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this. Somewhere between the time I saved him from drowning and now, I’ve lost my mind and found my heart. And crazily enough, I don’t ever want it to change. “I think you should know something.” It’s time for me to let Bruno in on my little secret. “I haven’t ever done any of this before.” It’s true. Between school and swimming, I never had the time for boys.
“I need you to explain.” My mob boss stares into my eyes, waiting for my response.
“I haven’t ever had a boyfriend.” I try to explain in the simplest of terms.
“You’re a virgin?”
He isn’t going to let me get away with vague answers, so I shrug and admit, “Yes.”