“Yes, please.” My stomach growls, reminding me that I only had a cup of coffee this morning.
Bruno points at the large L-shaped bar that surrounds the massive kitchen. “Have a seat at the breakfast bar and talk to me while I fix our meal.” I should argue but I don’t. Instead, I decide to find out more about my captor. I make small talk while he moves around efficiently cooking enough food to feed an army.
“Can I help you with anything?” It’s not in my nature to sit around doing nothing and I’m actually getting tired watching him work.
“No thanks. I’m almost done.” I guess I’ll just sit here and watch then. While he stands at the stove cooking eggs, I let my eyes move over his hot body. He is one perfect specimen of mankind. I’m pretty sure those jeans weren’t made to stretch that tight. I’m wondering how much he works out to get those treetrunk leg muscles when he turns around and catches me checking out his goods. My face grows red as he smirks back at me.
My mortification is complete. To get my mind off my hot host and the effect he’s having on my body, I glance around the large open room with the dark wood furniture and homey décor and search my brain for a safe topic of conversation. “Do you live here?”
“No.” He places a plate filled to the brim with eggs, waffles, and bacon. “I have an apartment in town and a private suite in my boss’s mansion, but I keep this place to get away every now and then.”
“What do you do?” My curiosity gets the best of me. “Besides getting yourself attacked by a bear and kidnapping unsuspecting women.”
“I run The King’s Castle.” While I enjoy the delicious breakfast he cooked, Bruno gives me a brief overview of his job. I’m pretty sure he’s leaving out all the juicy bits, but I don’t have the nerve to ask him.
“What brought you to Silver Spoon Falls?” He switches the conversation to me. As I watch him blow across the top of his coffee cup, my blood heats to nearly boiling.
“Uh.” I swallow and try again. “I graduated from college last month and can’t decide between three job offers. I honestly don’t know what I want to do.” Ignoring the sexual tension floating through the air all around us is hard. “So I thought I’d come here for the summer and clear my head.” Bruno stares into my eyes, listening. “I hope the time away helps me come to a decision.”
“I’m sure you’ll make the right decision.” He stands and clears our breakfast dishes. “What was your major?” Bruno seems to be truly interested in me.
“Accounting.” I leave off the forensic part, figuring a mob boss won’t be impressed with that choice.
“Very nice.” His phone rings, interrupting us, and I shamelessly listen to his side of the conversation. “Have you checked the security cameras?” Bruno roars and runs his hand down the back of his neck. Oh, man. I’d hate to be the poor person who’s causing that fierce look on his face.
It’s really hard to make out what’s going on from listening to Bruno’s comments alone. After going back and forth for a while, he finally sighs, “I’m on my way.” Does that mean he’s going to let me go home? My heart squeezes in my chest as I realize I’m not ready for our morning to come to an end.
“I’m bringing her with me.” I guess that answers one question while creating several more. Like how did the other person know about me?
“I’m sorry, siren.” Bruno hangs up and slips his phone into his pants pocket before reaching for my hand. “But I have a problem at work that requires my attention.”
“Oh.” I force myself to smile even though my heart is pounding away in my chest. “I can walk back to my cabin, so you don’t have to take the time to drop me off on your way.”
“I already told you.” He leads me out the door. “I’m never letting you go. And there’s a very dangerous bear on the loose, so I think you need to stay with me for your own safety.” I’m not really sure what’s going on here, but I’m pretty sure he’s making stuff up as he goes. My crazy seems to feed off his crazy. I guess I’ll go along for the ride and see where it takes me.
“The bear is only dangerous to men fishing in your lake.” I roll my eyes at Bruno.
“We don’t know that for sure.” Yes, we do, but I let him have the last word.
Chapter 4
Once I get this shit under control, I plan to dedicate myself to winning over Ariel. One look and the curvy little siren stole my fucking heart. Now she’s stuck with me.