“He won’t.” Bruno uses his lips to distract me, and it works. I forget all about my worries while he smears my lipstick all over my face and digs his hands into my hair. Once he lets me come up for air, I glance in the mirror and gasp at my destroyed makeup and messy hair.
“Oh, my god,” I hiss and grab a makeup wipe, hoping to control the damage. “I look like a floozy.”
“You look gorgeous,” Bruno reassures me. After I remove all the makeup, I reach for my makeup bag and apply a small amount of lip gloss and mascara. It’s too late to redo my hair, so I pull it back in a messy bun.
The entire ride to Dante Arakas’ home, I stare out the window, attempting to calm my nerves. Bruno holds my hand and rubs small circles around my skin soothing me. “So, tell me about your boss and his family.”
“After we moved to Silver Spoon Falls, Dante met his soulmate and fell hard for Belle.” It kinda sounds familiar, I think to myself. “Belle is a doctor in town.” I’m impressed. It can’t be easy to keep up with a medical practice and her powerful husband. “Dante bought her an Urgent Care for her wedding present so he can make sure she’s safe at all times.” I can’t believe the wealth these people have. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to it. “Dante raised his niece and nephew, Dimitri and Devin, after their parents died. You met Dimitri the other day. His wife is called Snow. They married shortly after meeting.” I’m starting to see a pattern to this. It seems the Silver Spoon Falls water has been busy. “Devin will be there tonight with her husband, Jude Despora, a lawyer in town.” My mind spins, trying to absorb all these names.
“Did they meet and fall in love instantly?” I can’t help myself.
“You’re catching on.” Bruno glances over and winks at me as we pull up in front of a fortress surrounded by a tall fence. After he punches in a code on the keypad, the heavy wrought iron gates slowly swing open.
“Holy cow,” I gasp as the massive mansion comes into view. “This is beautiful.” I’ve driven by this property several times, but I had no idea how large and beautiful the home hidden at the end of the drive really is. I notice several other houses scattered around the property and realize the entire family must live on this large estate.
Bruno parks in the circular drive and hops out. While he walks around the front of the SUV, I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing nerves.
“Come on, siren.” He takes my hand and helps me down. “I want you to meet my family.”
I’m overwhelmed when the door opens to reveal Bruno’s “family.”
“Hello.” An insanely handsome older man steps over and holds out his hand. “I’m Dante Arakas, and this is my wife, Belle.” He points to the adorable short, curvy brunette standing at his side. “Welcome to our home.”
“Nice to meet you both.” My manners override my nervousness, and I reach for his hand. As I shake his hand, Bruno growls behind me. “You’ve touched her for long enough.”
I can’t believe he’s smarting off to the biggest mob boss in Texas.
“I’m going to let that slide since I know how hard the Silver Spoon Falls water hits you.”
Belle steps between the men and shakes her head. “You guys need to find another hobby besides acting all macho.” Then she turns to me and smiles. “Welcome. I’m so happy you could come.”
Dimitri steps over and holds out his hand to me, ignoring Bruno’s grumble. “Nice to see you again. This is my wife, Snow.” The stunning woman makes me feel both overdressed and way out of my league here.
“I know it’s a little overwhelming to meet all of us, but you’ll get used to it.” I’m not too sure, but I’m willing to give it a chance. Bruno is worth whatever I have to go through to make his family happy.
“Devin and Jude are running late.” Dante leads us to a massive living room. “We’ll have drinks and wait for them to arrive.”
While the men have a drink, Belle and Snow sit on either side of me. “Tell us all about yourself,” Belle urges me. “Men are so useless when it comes to details.”
I give them the highlights and explain how I ended up in Silver Spoon Falls. “So you just got the urge to move here one day?” Snow raises an eyebrow and smiles at me.
“Pretty much.” I shrug, realizing where this conversation is going. “Funny how that happens.”
“Isn’t it.” Belle and Snow exclaim at the same time.
“Don’t worry; the craziness will grow on you,” Snow reassures me.
“It already has,” I tell her honestly. I can’t imagine going back to my boring, lonely life without the craziness that comes with Bruno and his family.