She’s far too good at lying. Or maybe this is just another thing that I make far too difficult for myself.

One Hundred Eight


“Oh wow,” breathes Dora as we circle around the gambling satellite, waiting for our turn in the parking queue. Her face is practically pressed to the screen, like a child. “Look at the colors. And the plating. And the windows. And there’s an enormous terrarium with a space walk. And did you see that ship that just flew past? This place looks really fancy.”

She’s not wrong. It does look a little fancier than I expected. I’ve always known that gambling satellites are an absolute credit sink, but this one caters to a much higher-end clientele than I expected. “They’d better be fancy for what they’re charging to dock the ship for a few days,” I grumble. “It’s practically robbery.”

“But think of how nice it must be inside!” Dora is still dazzled by the sight of the place. “You’re going to have so much fun just wandering around.”

“This isn’t a vacation. We’re on a mission.” I glance over at Jamef, who is suspiciously quiet. He’s seated in his regular chair, but his expression is distant. “Speaking of, we should discuss the plan.”

He rubs his jaw, movements slow, and glances over at me. “I’m thinking about it. I’m also thinking that I’m going to stand out.” And he taps a finger under his bright red eye.

I purse my lips, because he’s not wrong. That’s something we didn’t consider. But after spending days traveling here and all the fuel? We’re not going to return empty-handed. “Okay then, the usual plan is out.”

“What’s the usual plan?” Dora asks, tearing her gaze away from the strobing lights that flicker over the satellite covering her screen.

“Beat up an employee, steal their clothes, and then break in.” I shrug.

Dora makes an unhappy sound. “Seriously? That’s the big plan?”

“It’s an effective plan. I didn’t say it was a clever one.”

“Well, if they’re snobs, they’re not going to buy that Jamef is an employee. He looks too scary.” She glances over at Jamef. “Sorry, love. You’re just a little intimidating.”

He grunts, his gaze settling on her with a look of pure affection. He’s been moody ever since we saw that bounty about the clones. I think it’s weighing on him heavily that Dora could be in danger, especially with Rhonda knowing Dora’s secret.

We haven’t let her out of the holding cell yet. She’s furious, screaming her grievances out to anyone that shows up to feed her. We also haven’t spaced her, which she should consider herself lucky over. But Rhonda’s definitely a problem, one I haven’t figured out how to solve yet.

Dora looks over at me, her expression alight. “I know!”


“You can be the rich lady and Jamef can be your bodyguard. That way no one looks twice when he seems scary. That’s the point!” She claps her hands together. “Now we just have to make you look like a rich lady. Makeover time!”

I glance over at Jamef, who shrugs. He locks his gaze on the screen, eyeing the glitzy satellite. “It’s as good a plan as any. Just keep your mouth shut and maybe we can pass you off as cultured if you don’t speak.”

I make a face at him. “Kef you.”

“None of that,” Dora says, hopping down from her spot on the bridge countertop. “You’re a lady. Come on. I bet Rhonda has some good swag we can steal to sell this set-up.”

Groaning, I drag my feet as Dora grabs my hand. “I don’t want to talk to Rhonda.”

“Who said anything about talking to her? We’re going to go through her stuff.” Dora has a mischievous look on her face as she exits the bridge, towing me behind her.

Rhonda’s quarters are an absolute mess of dresses and shoes. Luckily for us, most of her cosmetics are spread across a table with a mirror on it, and jewelry is tossed into a pile next to pots of reddish lip-stains. I pick up a dangly earring as Dora digs through a pile of dresses atop Rhonda’s unused bed. “I’m not sure she’s going to have anything to fit me, fluffit. Maybe we skip the dresses.”

“Most of hers are flowing,” Dora says, determined. She tosses aside a filmy dark blue piece and considers a pink one. “I bet we can make them work.”

“Just go easy on me. I’m a modest sort.”

Dora snorts, and then pauses, hugging the dress in her hands to her chest. “You guys know you have to come back safe, right? No wild stunts. No getting imprisoned. You’ve got two humans on this ship and we’re helpless without you. I know you don’t give a fuck about Rhonda, but think of me at least.”

Her serious expression worries me. “As if I’d forget you.”

“I know you wouldn’t. But you get carried away sometimes and I worry that you’re going to find yourself in more trouble than you like and no way out. I think you should keep an eye on Jamef, too.” She pauses, as if hesitant to say it aloud. “He seems a little distant lately.”