Bethiah gasps, her arms tightening around me, and I realize she’s feeling his thrusting, too.

“You know the word if you want to stop,” Jamef tells her—or me, who knows at this point—and starts to fuck us both. With every thrust into me, it pushes me into Bethiah. He grips my hips, and when he pulls backward, he makes sure to tug my hips along with him, steering things. I might be wearing the strap-on, but he’s the one fucking both of us, and it’s making me so incredibly aroused that I’m having a hard time paying attention to what I’m supposed to be doing. All I can do is cling to Bethiah as Jamef pounds into both of us, harder and faster. There’s no sounds but the slap of our bodies together, the wet, slick noises of aroused flesh, and the needy whimpers coming out of both myself and Bethiah.

Bethiah comes first. And when she does, it’s like a chain reaction. She stiffens, arching, and makes a soft whine as she clutches me even tighter. Her legs tremble and it’s almost like she holds tight onto the fake cock with just how hard she squeezes it when she comes. Jamef’s hand digs into my shoulder and he pounds into me twice as hard and fast, and I choke as my own orgasm builds deep inside my belly, brought on by the friction between the three of us and that delicious hammer of his cock deep inside me. My toes curl and my legs clench, and then I’m coming, too, my insides tightening so hard that it feels as if my lungs stop working.

It’s so good. Soooo good.

Jamef grunts, and then he pulls out, spilling his seed down my backside and thighs. He lifts me up a little higher, which confuses me until I realize it’s because he’s spurting his release over both of us, where Bethiah and I are joined, too.

That was incredible. I’m so glad Hazza gave me that gift.

“Such filthy mates I have,” I murmur as I rest my head on Bethiah’s breasts and Jamef rubs his seed over our twined thighs. This might be the best moment of my life.

One Hundred Five


It’s the petty side of me that makes me get out of bed early. Jamef is curled around Dora, sleeping heavily, and her yellow hair is spread over his skin, her leg nestled between his. When I get up from her other side, she moves even closer to him, snuggling. They’re such an inviting picture together that I almost want to get back into bed with them again.

Almost. But that petty side of me is awake and won’t be satisfied until I go make Rhonda miserable.

I throw on my sleep tunic and leave our private quarters, knowing that I look like an absolute disaster. There’s a nest of tangled hair between my horns from being rocked into the mattress repeatedly. My tunic is wrinkled and I probably reek of sex. I’m sure Rhonda will be utterly disgusted, which is why I want to show up like this.

I pad across the ship and head for the containment cell. Once there, I open the feeding slot and lean casually against the door, crossing my arms under my breasts and watching as she sleeps fitfully. Her hands are folded under her breasts, her face angled toward the ceiling. A strip of fabric covers her eyes and she’s asleep atop the blankets, as if she’s worried they’ll somehow give her wrinkles. When she doesn’t wake up, I decide she’s slept long enough.

“Wow, you look rough,” I drawl. “Being a prisoner is hard on the skin.”

Rhonda jerks awake, her hands flying to her cheeks. She moves aside the blindfold and runs her fingers over her face. “Get me out of here, Bethy.”

“You aren’t a very good listener. Didn’t I tell you not to call me that?” I fluff my snarled hair. “Maybe Nerit didn’t disappear. Maybe he’s deliberately avoiding you.”

My words strike a nerve. Rhonda’s nostrils flare and she gives me a look that could destroy warships. “You’re wrong. Something’s happened to Nerit. He’d come back to me if he was able.” She smooths a hand over her hair. “It isn’t like you to be cruel, Bethiah.”

“Isn’t it? Seems like we both don’t know each other very well.” I regard her lazily. “Speaking of your Lord Nerit, is there anything you want to tell us?”

Rhonda looks confused. She sits up on the edge of the cot and purses her lips in a displeased fashion. “Like what?”

“Like the names of those that were with him on his ship?”

She gives her head a little shake. “I don’t know what you mean. What ship? Nerit has several ships. What others?”

“I’ll tell you if you tell me what listening devices you hid on the ship and where.”