Dora moans, and then she runs her tongue over the darkened head of Jamef’s cock, then sucks it into her mouth. With eager noises, she works him, her ass wiggling as she does. It’s impossible to resist. I slide my hand between her thighs again, and when she shifts to make room for my touch, I avoid her clit and move deeper, pushing a finger inside of her and working it in and out. She’s incredibly wet, my fingers squelching with her juices as I pump into her.

My cunt is probably just as wet, and no one’s even touching me right now.

It’s like Jamef can read my mind. Our eyes meet over Dora’s head, and then he tilts his head, indicating I should join her on his cock. Normally I’d resist being told what to do, but there’s something so keffing lewd about that suggestion that I can’t resist. I move in, adding my tongue to his shaft and Dora changes from sucking to licking.

“Both of you, kiss the head,” Jamef rasps. “And then kiss each other.”

Is that the game? I love it. I moan, tonguing the head of his cock and the piercings there. I deliberately extend my tongue a little further than usual, and Dora’s tongue brushes against mine. The human immediately turns her attention on me, her kiss so wet and enthusiastic that I forget all about being in control and lose myself to her lips. I bury my hands in her hair, holding her as we kiss and kiss, and her hands skim over my body, eager to touch me and pleasure me back. Her hand moves between my legs and she strokes her fingers through the wet folds of my cunt, soaking them in my arousal.

“On the bed, both of you,” Jamef commands. “You want to ride my cock? If you keep kissing like that, I’m not going to last.”

I’m tempted to keep kissing Dora just to see if me touching her indeed makes him come. That’d be delicious.

Dora breaks from my kiss and gives him a dazed look. “Wait! I have something.”

I pause, glancing over at Jamef, who looks equally confused. “What do you mean, you have something?”

“I have a toy,” she says, beaming at both of us. “A strap-on. I can go get it.”

“Who the kef gave you a strap-on?” I demand immediately. I’m going to murder Rhonda if it was her. Truly murder her. I can only imagine what the deal is with that. It’s probably covered in listening and vid devices all over the shaft. There’ll be sex vids of the three of us all over the comm waves within days.

Actually…that might be kinda sexy.

“Hazza gave it to me,” Dora explains. “When we were on Kaatir’s moon. She said we should have some toys to play with.”

“I should have known,” I retort. That female had seemed far too pleased with herself when we left. Kaatir’s moon is a keffing kinky little place, all right.

“I’ve been saving it for a special occasion.” She runs a hand down my front and then pinches my nipple, hard, just enough to give me a wisp of sensation. “Can I get it? Can we use it?”

“On me?” I ask, a little titillated.

“Or Jamef,” Dora says with a shrug. “I’ll peg either one of you. I’m an equal-opportunity strap-on kind of girl.”

She would be, our naughty little human.

I glance over at Jamef to see how he likes the idea of being pegged tonight. He just watches me, clearly leaving the decision in my hands.

My cunt decides for me. Dora pinches my nipple again, harder than before, and my cunt involuntarily clenches around air. “Me first,” I breathe. “Dora can fuck me, and Jamef can fuck Dora.”

“I love this idea,” Dora says, jumping to her feet. “Orgasms for everyone. Be right back!” She races over to her end of the closet and starts digging through her things. A moment later, she raises her hand in the air, waving a harness with an enormous fake cock dangling from it. “Here we go.”

“Kef me,” I say at the sight of it. “Does Hazza think your mates are hollow? That thing is an absolute monster.”

“You can take it,” Dora tells me, stepping into the harness. She straightens, and then adjusts the hips until the “cock” sits with the base flat against her pubic bone. She runs a hand down the shaft of it and gives me a wicked look. “Remember what I was saying about being in control? Get on the bed, Bethiah.”

“I think I’ve created a monster,” I joke. But I get to my feet and move to the bed, sitting on the edge. “How do you want me?”

She turns and gestures at Jamef. “Go join her. Kiss her enough to get her good and wet for me.”

Jamef puts a finger under my chin and tilts my mouth toward his, and then he’s kissing me, hard and insistent and intense. His body presses against mine, and I moan as his hands skim over me, and it seems we’re both eager to please Dora.