The fuck she did. I narrow my eyes at Rhonda. Bethiah has made it very clear in the last few days that she doesn’t want to be alone with Rhonda. She’s either been with me, or with Jamef at all times. The few mentions she’s made of Rhonda are of annoyance mixed with duty, like a visiting relative that irritates you but you feel obligated to spend time with anyhow. I know Rhonda’s the one that hurt Bethiah in the past. I know Bethiah still carries emotional wounds from it, which tells me that once upon a time, she loved Rhonda deeply.

But that was then and this is now.

I all but snatch the boots from her. “Are you trying to start something?”

Her eyes widen and she looks genuinely surprised. “I’m truly not. I understand that you feel threatened by my presence, Dora. I totally get that. This sort of lifestyle that we’re forced to lead isn’t conducive to being friends, but I want you to know that I’m not here to try and steal your mates.”

I relax a little at that. “Good.”

She chuckles. “Even though there’s plenty of room for two humans on this ship, that isn’t my goal, darling. I’m just trying to secure my future. Right now, my sweet Lord Nerit is my future, and I want nothing more than to have him back. Your triad is safe.”

I still can’t shake the feeling that she’s trying to weasel her way into something. Rhonda’s beautiful and appealing, but I don’t trust her. Maybe I am suspicious for no reason. Maybe I’m being a jerk right now and she’s just trying to be friendly to another human. It would be nice to have another human to talk to, one that understands our unique and powerless position in the scheme of things. Ruthann is off with her “sisters” on the other ship and I probably won’t see her again for a long time. A friend would be nice. I offer Rhonda a wary smile. “You don’t want to be in our triad. It’s messy enough as it is.”

She giggles, the sound light and tinkling and delicate. “Any time you have two women sharing one man, it gets messy. It’s to be expected. Though I suppose you’re sharing Bethy too, hmm?”

I wince. “Don’t call her that. She hates it.”

I do, too.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Rhonda wrinkles her nose charmingly. “I keep forgetting. This is why I’m glad I’ve ran into you today, Dora. I really want us to be friends. And more than that, I freely admit that I’m trying to ensure my safety and my position. The best way to do that is to get back with Lord Nerit. The best way to get to Nerit once more? Grease the wheel and make certain that both Bethiah and your fierce Jamef want to help me out. Which is why I need your guidance.”

My…guidance? “I don’t understand.”

“It’s clear you’re so important to them, dear.”

Clutching Bethiah’s boots to my chest, I feel a bloom of pleasure in my chest. “You think so?”

“I do.” She smiles. “Help me get on their good sides again?”

I suppose it can’t hurt. “I mean, what do you want to know?”



My leg is throbbing as we pull in to the Qavandaar Falls port. I can feel one of the circuits snapping, sending shocks up through my flesh, but there’s no time to examine it or head to med-bay. Bethiah is on the bridge with me, glaring down at the gorgeous planet spread out before us as if it personally offends her.

“Qavandaar Falls. Could he be any less imaginative if he tried?” she grumbles.

“At least it makes it easy to find his trail,” I point out. His credit records have all but pointed an arrow here. Either it’s a very clumsy trap, or this Lord Nerit il’Aiven wants to be found. “I’m not even sure we can collect a bounty on this. It feels far too easy.”

“Oh, we’re collecting a keffing bounty,” Bethiah says, her tail flicking. “I’m not putting up with Rhonda’s shit for free.” She points at the lush foliage that surrounds the port. “With luck, we can dump her ass here and maybe take a day off. Buy some drinks at the bar, get Dora a little dressed up and head to the cantina. What do you say?”

I grunt. “I don’t think we make enough credits to buy a membership here.” Qavandaar Falls is famous for its beauty, and for the fact that it’s a very popular vacation spot for Homeworlders. Not a very imaginative one, but popular. It’s a tropical paradise with enormous, multi-level trees, a bevy of flowering plants, and dozens of glimmering waterfalls. If it’s a little overly landscaped and some of the waterfalls are artificial, no one seems to care. Sprawling resorts flash enticing lights amidst the trees and a few air-sleds race through the blue skies, enjoying the delightful, warm weather.