“First of all, the tapestry isn’t my quest, darling girl. That’s yours. And secondly, you don’t know all the little tricks I have up my sleeve.”

“Well, that’s one I’d like to learn. It would make the tapestry go so much faster.”

Tomorrow is the autumn equinox, and I’ve been so busy planning for this wedding all summer that I haven’t spent as much time on the tapestry as I’d intended.

“You’ll be done with it when it needs to be done,” she says. “You’re almost there as it is.”

“It’s just adding the embellishments now,” I admit and go back to admiring myself in the dress. “But that seems to be the most tedious part. You’re right, though. I’ll be done on time. Giles and I aren’t taking a honeymoon until after Samhain because we want to focus on lifting this curse. I won’t be able to relax and enjoy myself until the people of Hallows End are free, and that whole thing is over with.”

“As much as I hate that for you,” Mom says as she fits the veil to the top of my head, “I think it’s probably smart. You only have five more weeks to wait, and then you’ll be able to relax and truly enjoy yourself.”

Butterflies fill my stomach when I take in the finished product in the mirror. “I love this dress so much.”

“It suits you,” Mom says as she stands next to me and admires us both in the reflection. “Your Aunt Agatha is thrilled you wanted to use her veil.”

“I’m glad.” I smile, but my heart hurts at the thought of Aunt Agatha not being at the wedding. “I loved her so much.”

“She’s still around,” Mom reminds me. “And asking each woman in the coven to embroider a symbol on the veil was such a lovely touch.”

“I want to feel like I’m wrapped in their magic,” I reply. “And that’s exactly what it feels like.”

Mom smiles at me in the mirror, and for just a millisecond, it turns into that sinister smile I saw months ago when it was still around.

But then it’s gone, and Mom’s just smiling at me, admiring the dress.

“What’s wrong?” Mom asks.

“Oh, nothing.” I shake my head. “I’m sure it’s just all the stress. It’s playing games with me.”

“What are you up to after this?” she asks as she takes the veil off my head.

“Well, Lorelei and Lucy asked me to go to the apothecary for a little spa time, and then we’re going to make the handfasting cord for that part of the ceremony.”

“Oh, I think that’s lovely.” Mom unzips the back of the dress so I can step out of it. “I think everything is good to go here—all ready for tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Mom. Oh, and one other thing. With Dad not here, I’d like for you to walk me down the aisle.”

Her head comes up in surprise. “You do?”

“Of course. You have to give me away.”

“I’d be honored to give my only daughter away.”

I kiss her cheek and then hurry to change back into my clothes so I can get over to Lucy’s. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Are you sure you don’t want me to come over in the morning? The florist will be here with the flowers around ten, and there will be tables and linens delivered. There’s just so much to do. I can come and help before I get dressed for the ceremony. Giles will, too.”

“No, your aunt and I have it covered. Besides, Poppy is also coming to help, and I know other members of the coven will pop in to lend a hand, as well. We’ve got this covered. You just worry about getting some rest and enjoying your morning. I’ll have the dress and everything else waiting for you when you arrive to get ready.”

“You’re the best.” I slide my feet into my shoes and then hurry over to kiss Mom’s cheek. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too. Have fun today.”

“I will. Thanks again.”

I hurry out the back door and see Astrid pruning some of the bushes in the backyard.

“How did it go?” she asks me.

“Everything’s all set,” I reply with a smile. “It’s going to be amazing.”

“You bet your ass, it will be,” she says with a wink. “The wedding of the year, right here. And on the autumn equinox, no less. I can’t wait.”

“Thanks for all your hard work.” I kiss her on the cheek, the same as I did with my mom a minute ago. “You’re just wonderful.”

“I love you,” she says simply. “We’ll do whatever you need.”

“And it’s the best feeling in the world to know that. I’d better go get pampered now.”

“Yes, you’d better. Enjoy it, honey.”

I wave, hurry over to my car, and then drive the short distance to Lucy’s house. Once I’ve parked, I get out and walk to the door, but then I stop and frown.