“If it starts to feel like it’s too much, just tell me and back off altogether.”

I open my mouth to argue, but he puts his fingers on my mouth this time.

“For the next few months, Breena. Not forever.”

I simply sigh and nod because I know he’s right. If I overdo it, I won’t be any help to anyone.

“Did Mr. Boksich pick up his ring this morning?” I ask him.

“Yes, and he was very pleased with it.”

“Of course, he was. You’re a genius when it comes to jewelry.”

“Well, I don’t know if I’d call myself a genius.”

“I know what I’m talking about.” I lift myself onto my toes and gently lay my lips over his. It’s a playful kiss, and when I lower back down, he follows me, bending to reach me and take the kiss to the next level of heat that has my bare toes curling on the wool rug under my feet. “You’re good at that.”

His lips tip up in a satisfied grin. “It takes two to make it work. Are you finished in here for a while?”

I glance at the table. The orders still need to be packed up and labeled, and then I think about the loom upstairs where I should be working. Still, I nod.

“I have a little time. What did you have in mind?”

“Well, it involves far less clothing.” To my surprise, he lifts me into his arms and carries me out of the room to the stairs, then begins climbing them with no obvious plan to set me back on my feet. So, I bury my face in his neck and enjoy the ride. “I’d like to get lost in you for a while, Breena. To remember that we’re just two human beings who love each other.”

“I’m down for that.” I lick his neck up to his ear and then tug on the lobe with my teeth. “In fact, I think that sounds like a brilliant idea. See? Genius.”

“You’re right.” He tosses me onto the bed and grins down at me. “I really am a genius. Who knew?”

I giggle when he launches himself onto the mattress beside me. “I knew. I knew it this whole time.”

Chapter Thirteen

In all the hundreds of years of his existence, he’s never felt freer than he does now. He can feel the power building within him, so much faster than ever before. His strength grows, and he knows he’ll be ready to take what he wants by Beltane.

To take what’s rightfully his.

Hovering in the mirror, he watches her. She thinks she’s safe, and for today, that may be true. But she won’t be for long.

Soon, she and the others will be his. Their souls will belong to him—as they should be.

As it should have been all along.

They’re such fools. He smiles to himself and watches with utter delight as she runs a brush through her hair, humming to herself. She’s just so…comfortable.

He’s going to enjoy making her suffer. Yes, he will take great delight in that.

Very soon.

Chapter Fourteen


“Are you ready to go?” I poke my head into Breena’s bathroom and grin. She’s fussing with her hair, and I want to tell her that there’s no need for her to do that because I’m just going to mess it up again later, but I restrain myself.

“Yes,” she replies as she drops her hands and stares at herself in the mirror. “I hope I’m dressed appropriately because I don’t even know where we’re going.”


She spins and pins me with a surprised stare. “Boston? But I’m wearing jeans because you told me to. Shouldn’t I be dressed up more if we’re going to dinner in the city?”

“No, ma’am.” I walk up behind her and smile at her in the mirror as I loop my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder. “You look perfect. You’ll want to be comfortable for what we’re doing.”

“Just what are we doing?”

“I’m not telling.” I wink at her in the mirror, then pull away and lead her out of the bathroom. “Are you ever going to move your things into my bathroom?”

“No,” she says simply. “I like having my own. I can spread out, and I don’t have to share any of the space.”

“So, even if I eventually talk you into moving in here with me, you’ll keep that bathroom? You don’t have to do that. I’ll switch with you so you have the bigger one.”

She stops cold in the hallway, and I bump into her back. I have to grab her shoulders so she doesn’t pitch forward and fall.

“Whoa. Warn a guy if you’re going to pull the emergency brake, okay?”

She spins and blinks up at me. “You want me to move in? Like not just temporarily?”

“Of course.” I lean down to nudge her nose with mine. “It would be awkward if my wife lived somewhere else.”