“It’s six hundred years old,” he informs me.


“It’s a modest home. They all are. Some have more rooms for privacy if the family is larger, but they’re all very simple.”

“Where do you go to the bathroom?”

Jonas laughs. “There’s an outhouse.”

“Yikes. I mean, I know there was no plumbing then. But, man. Not fun.”

“If you’ve never had it, you don’t miss it.”

I turn and look at him. “You’re right. Jonas, I’m so happy we have you. That you found your way to us. I know you and Lucy are meant to be, but you mean a lot to all of us. Including me.”

“You are the sweetest woman I’ve ever met, Breena. I love you, too. And I’m blessed to be welcomed into your family. No matter what happens, I want you to remember that.”

“We’re going to solve this. We are.”

He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, and we both know it’s impossible for me to make that promise. We’ll do our best, but I can’t know for certain that it will be good enough.

“Come, we’re losing light.”

I nod and wait for Jonas to make sure the coast is still clear before hurrying out with him and returning to the bridge.

When we’re back in modern times, Jonas and I both take long, relieved breaths.

“You did it!” Lucy says, clapping her hands. “Are you both okay?”

“I’m great,” I reply. “And I don’t think anyone saw us. Wow, it’s such a beautiful little village. I can’t believe it’s only twenty yards away, right over there, and we can’t see it.”

“I know,” Lucy agrees. “I’ve lived here forever and never knew it was there.”

“Do you have what you need?” Xander asks me.

“I do.” I nod and look over at Jonas, then move to give him a hug. “Thank you. It was exactly what I needed. And now I feel confident in designing the tapestry and getting started with the weaving.”

“I’m glad,” Jonas says. “I know you’ll do a wonderful job.”

“You’re sure you’re okay?” Giles asks, taking my shoulders in his hands.

“Yes, I’m sure. It was completely amazing. A little disconcerting going through that bright light and feeling the energy shift, but really cool.”

I glance over and see Lorelei and Lucy sharing a look.

“What?” I demand.

“Nothing,” Lucy says immediately, but Lorelei doesn’t respond.

“What is it?” I ask her.

“You two seem different,” Lorelei says, and Lucy rolls her eyes.

“Different how?” I ask, but I know.

“Like you’ve had sex and are gonna get married and grow old together.”

“Lorelei,” Lucy hisses.

“Oh, I’m totally banging him,” I reply and watch everyone’s eyes widen in surprise. “Not that it’s anyone’s business, of course. But, yeah. Totally banging him.”

“Well, then.” Lucy tries unsuccessfully to hide a laugh behind her hand. “Good for you.”

“You have no idea.”

Chapter Eleven


“Oh, my. Mrs. Boksich is going to love that.” Mom leans over and watches as I set a three-karat ruby into a fourteen-karat-gold setting. “What a gorgeous fiftieth-anniversary gift.”

“Mr. Boksich said the ruby belonged to his grandmother,” I tell her as I sit back and roll my shoulders, trying to loosen the tension there. “It was in a broken brooch, so we decided to reset it and shine it up for her. The anniversary party is tomorrow night, and I’m trying to get it finished for him.”

“So that’s why you’re working on the one day a week you usually close the shop,” Mom says with a nod. “Well, that’s very sweet of you, and I know they’ll appreciate it. I’ve always liked that family. Not a witchy bone in any of their bodies, but they’re as sweet as can be.”

“I like them, too.” I sip my long-cold coffee and smile at my mom. “Not that I’m complaining, but did you just swing by to say hello?”

“Yes, and to bring you this.” She opens her bag, which is big enough to carry a few Saint Bernard puppies and pulls out a brown paper sack with my name written on the side like she used to do when I was a kid. She sets it on the counter. “I made some donuts this morning.”

“Really?” I open the bag and take a long, deep breath full of sugar and yeast. “Score. Thanks. I forgot to eat breakfast. Breena was already at work at the loom this morning, so I snuck out. I didn’t want to disturb her. She gets really intense when she’s working.”

“She knows how important this task is,” Mom says. “How is she?”

“Scared.” I take a bite of a donut. “I hate seeing her afraid, but she is. Mostly of the thought that she might fail and we’ll lose because of her. That scares her the most.”

“Breena is a pleaser,” Mom reminds me. “It’s always been in her nature to want to help and nurture others. I know she’s excited that she has a skill that can aid in lifting the curse, but it makes sense she’d be afraid of failing. That must be stressful for her.”