“My mom isn’t one to cry much,” Lorelei says, passing her mom a tissue. “But she’s all weepy today.”

“It’s hormones,” Astrid insists.

“Oh, please, those days are way past,” Mom says with a laugh. “It’s okay to be a little weepy on a day like today. One of our girls is getting married.”

Astrid dabs at her eyes, and I join my mom by the mirror.

“Here we go,” I whisper as I let my robe fall to the floor. Mom holds the dress for me to step into, then zips up the back and sets the veil on my head.

When I turn to face the others, there’s a collective gasp and then a sigh.

“Holy shit, you’re gorgeous,” Lorelei says. “Giles is going to pass out cold.”

“I hope not.” I laugh and take one more look in the mirror. Yeah, this was the right choice. A white, princess-style wedding gown with a full veil, and all the beautiful symbols embroidered around the edge of it by women I love and admire.

“He’s ready for you. Oh,” Poppy says. “Oh, just look at you.”

“Okay, you are all really good for my ego.” I laugh and accept lots of hugs and kisses and then take a deep breath. “Okay. I’m ready for him, too. But I don’t want anyone else to see.”

“I’ve cleared the way,” Poppy promises me. “There’s no one out there but Giles, on the south side of the house, like you wanted.”

“Thank you.” I pick up the skirt so it doesn’t get dirty and circle around the house. It’s a lovely first day of fall, and the trees have just begun to turn colors.

The arbor my dad built is so pretty, with its vines that wind their way up through the wooden slats.

Giles stands under it, turned away from me. His shoulders look so broad in his black suit. His dark hair has just been cut, and I can see by the way he rocks back on his heels that he’s a little nervous.

When I’m only a few feet away, I say, “Well, hi there.”

He slowly turns around. When he sees me, he lets out a low whistle. “Wow.”

“Wow yourself. Are you a GQ model?”

But he doesn’t laugh. Instead, he takes a step toward me and rests his hands on my shoulders, taking me in from head to toe.

“I’m one lucky son of a bitch. I don’t know what I did right in a past life to deserve this, but I’m so fucking grateful for it.”

“You’re sweet. I wanted you to see me first. Alone.”

“I’m glad. You know, what do you say we have our little private ceremony, right here and now?”

“Oh, that sounds fun. Let’s do it.”

His lips twitch with humor, and he takes my hands in his, clearing his throat.

“Wait.” I reach into the bust of my dress and pull out the handfasting cord. “Let’s do this, too.”

“What other treasures do you have hidden in there?”

I laugh up at him. “You’ll have to wait to find out.”

We wind the cord around our clasped hands, and then I look into his gorgeous eyes framed by his dark glasses. I know with certainty that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.

“I’ll start,” he says, but I shake my head.

“Let’s do it together.”

And so, we do, reciting our handfasting ceremony commitment vows, alternating back and forth.

“May our mornings bring us joy,” I begin.

“And our evenings bring peace.” He smiles so gently down at me that it almost weakens my knees.

“May our troubles grow few as our blessings increase.”

“May the saddest day of our future be no worse than the happiest day in our past.”

I can feel the tears welling in my eyes as I say the next line. “May our hands be forever clasped in friendship.”

“And our hearts joined forever in love,” he finishes.

“I’ve dreamed of this day for as long as I can remember,” I admit to him, here in this sacred place. “But no matter how wonderful I made it in my mind, it was never as good as this. The love I’ve found with you is so much bigger, so much more than anything I could have thought up in my imagination. I’m so honored to be your wife, Giles Corey. I will be faithful to you, I will love you, and I will support you through whatever the universe throws our way until I’m no longer of this Earth.”

He swallows hard, and I see tears in his eyes when he moves even closer to me and speaks his vows in such sweet, hushed tones.

“I love you, Breena. With everything in me, with every breath I take, I love you so much that there are times I think I might explode with it. The craziest part is that love just grows each day, and I find that I can hold even more, despite thinking for sure there was no way that could possibly be true. You’re everything good in this world. Your compassion, love, and your kindness are treasures, and the way you so effortlessly give those things to others makes me proud—and sometimes a little protective because I want to keep you safe from anyone who might take you for granted. You are my home. You are the best part of every day. I will be faithful to you, I will love you, and I will support you through whatever this wild universe throws our way until I’m no longer of this Earth.”