Everything in her garden is…dead.

“It’s too early for this,” I hear myself say. “Lucy’s plants bloom well past Samhain.”

With a frown, I walk up the back steps and knock on the door before pushing inside. “Hello! I’m here. What’s up with your—?”

I stop and then gasp. The inside is in shambles, as if someone ransacked the place, looking for stuff to steal.

“Oh, no.”


I hear Lorelei call out from the shop area and turn to look through the door. When I glance back at the kitchen, everything is normal.

Not one thing is out of place.

“I might need to eat,” I mutter as I walk into the shop where my cousins are. “I hope you have food.”


I jump, startled, and then laugh. “What is this?”

Everyone is here, all the members of our coven, including Jonas, Xander, and Giles.

“It’s a surprise wedding shower,” Lucy says. “Co-ed.”

“Oh, this is fun.” Giles steps over and dips me back into a dramatic kiss, much to everyone’s delight based on all the applause. “Hi there, handsome.”

“Hi. I’m not good at keeping secrets from you.”

I laugh as he sets me back on my feet, and then I feel a little woozy.

“Are you all right, sweet one?” Jonas asks.

“I think I need to eat,” I confess. “I’ve been busy today and must have skipped out on food.”

“Oh, we have plenty of that,” Lorelei says. “We have a killer taco bar out back. I’m surprised you didn’t see it. We thought you’d come through the front door.”

I frown over at her. “Really? Out in all the dead plants?”

“Dead plants, my butt,” Lucy says, hurrying out back. “Oh, thank the goddess. Everything’s fine.”

I follow her out and blink in confusion. Lucy’s garden is gorgeous and colorful. Thriving.

“Yeah, I need some tacos,” I decide as Giles takes my hand, and we walk outside. “This is unexpected and fun.”

“Good.” He kisses my neck, just below my ear. “You deserve it, my love.”

“Are you okay, Breena?” I glance over at Lucy, who’s sitting in the seat next to mine, getting her makeup done. I hired hair and makeup for myself and my two cousins, along with the moms.

I thought it would be a lot of fun.

And it has been. We’ve sipped champagne and laughed, and with our hair finished, we’re getting our makeup done now.

“I’m great,” I reply.

“You seemed kind of out of it for a minute,” Lucy says.

“I think it’s just all the excitement,” I reply with a shrug. “I swear, I’ve been seeing weird things over the past twenty-four hours or so. But it has to be stress. I even slept until almost ten this morning, which never happens.”

“Maybe it’s because we were up so late making that handfasting cord,” Lorelei suggests. “It turned out great, but we should have started on that a couple of months ago.”

“That could be it,” I agree and then take a deep breath.

The truth is, I haven’t seen anything off today. Actually, that moment at Lucy’s when I first arrived yesterday was the last weird thing to happen. I didn’t have any nightmares last night, and I’ve had a good day today so far.

Maybe I’m just on edge and sensitive to anything odd because of before.

But I don’t need to be. It’s gone, and the only thing I have to worry about today is enjoying every minute of this wedding before I get back to the loom tomorrow to finish the tapestry before Samhain next month.

So, with that internal pep talk, I let go of the uneasy feeling that yesterday put in my stomach and decide that today is only for happiness.

“Your flowers are stunning,” Poppy says as she walks into the room, and then she just stops and stares. “Oh, honey, you’re gorgeous.”

“I don’t even have my dress on yet.” But I smile and accept the offered hug. “Thank you. How is Giles? I haven’t seen him all day, which is so stupid because I don’t even believe in old-fashioned customs.”

“Really?” Poppy and Mom share a wink. “Is that why you’re wearing white and incorporating so many traditional things into your day? Because you don’t believe in them?”

“Okay, I don’t believe in that particular one. Besides, most wedding traditions are based on pagan beliefs.”

“True enough. Let Giles get his first look at you when you’re dressed,” Lorelei suggests. “It’ll be a knock-him-on-his-ass moment that he’ll remember for the rest of his life.”

“But can we do it before the ceremony? So it’s a special moment for just the two of us?”

“This is your day,” Poppy says. “Of course, you can. You get dressed, and I’ll let Giles know. Where do you want to meet him?”

“Hmm.” I purse my lips, thinking it over. “On the south side of the house, where the sun hits that sweet little arbor that Dad built right before he passed away.”

“I think that’s lovely,” Astrid says with a nod. “Just so lovely.”