“That house was completely dilapidated and nothing but a crumbling shell when we saw it,” I interject, frowning. “There was no furniture, and definitely no filing cabinet.”

Xander nods and paces back to the window. “As the hours wore on, once it trapped me, it used the house as energy, making it decay rapidly. Then, when you destroyed the crystal, it made me follow you and dig it all up, then take it back to the house. It put it back together again so it could continue to draw energy from it.”

“Okay, back up.” Jonas speaks for the first time. “You found the papers and started researching. What next?”

“There was a mirror upstairs, and I got to work. I started some scrying work, then moved into a spell. But then the lights started moving in the mirror, and it completely hypnotized me. I couldn’t pull out of it. I sat there, just staring, completely entranced for more than a day. Then, it sent me to dig up the crystal. Once it had that back under its control, that’s when things got painful.”

“You were in agony when we saw you,” Lorelei says, her voice raw.

“I tried to get you to run. I didn’t know if it would be able to hold all of you the way it had me, and all I wanted was for you all to get away.”

“We weren’t going to leave you there to fend for yourself,” Breena says. “That’s not how this works, and you know it.”

“What next?” Hilda prompts.

“I think you know the rest. It knew it couldn’t defeat all of you, so it flew away out of that house, and we went to Hallows End.”

“I didn’t see you,” Jonas says, scowling.

“We saw you,” Xander replies. “I think it went there to hide. Hallows End is beautiful. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

“Yes, it is,” Breena agrees.

“We stayed there overnight, high up in a tree, resting. At least, I think it was just resting, gaining energy. Honestly, it was a reprieve for me because it wasn’t constantly torturing me anymore, so we were both able to build our energy. Then, this morning, we flew out of Hallows End. When we reached the ocean, Lorelei was walking toward her house. It saw her, recognized her, and went for her.”

He swallows hard, and sweat breaks out on his brow as he gazes over at her, so much pain lining his face.

“We don’t need to talk about that part,” she says softly. “Let’s just say that it—not Xander, but it—grabbed me, just after I’d taken off my clothes to change. It slapped me around a bit and then tied me to the bed. I think it enjoyed my screams the most.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Xander mutters and drags his hand down his face. “Lorelei—”

“It wasn’t you,” she insists. “You would never do something like that, least of all to me. I know that, Xander. And compared to what you went through, well, it wasn’t too long before the cavalry came in. They know the rest.”

“Are you okay to be here?” Breena asks Lorelei. “After what happened?”

Xander’s whole body jerks in a visceral reaction to the question.

“My goddess, Lorelei. It didn’t even occur to me that you could lose your home.”

“I’m fine.” Lorelei holds her hand up, stopping Xander’s outburst. “This isn’t the same as what happened to Breena.”

“It kind of is.” Xander’s gaze whips to mine, but I shrug. “It’s not personal, man. Breena was attacked in her home by a supernatural entity that took over a human body. It’s exactly the same thing. Only this time, it took over a body the victim knows.”

“I’m no fucking victim.” Lorelei’s eyes spark with anger, and thunder claps outside.

“She’s still riled up,” Lucy says helpfully.

“I don’t know why it feels different,” Lorelei continues. “It should be the same, but the house even feels different than it did after what happened to Breena.”

“She’s not wrong,” Jonas adds. “It does feel different.”

“Maybe it’s because we actually got rid of that fucker for good, whereas before, all we did was wound the hell out of it. Literally.” I wrap my arm around Breena. “If you feel safe here, Lorelei, that’s all that matters.”

“We’ll set fresh wards,” Astrid says. “Before we leave, we’ll cleanse and charge the protection crystals and smudge the house.”

“Thanks.” Lorelei doesn’t argue. “I love you all. Even you.” Her eyes narrow on Xander. “I’m still mad at you, and we’ll never be what we were, but I care about you. You scared the bloody hell out of me.”

His lips twitch. “I love you, too.”

The sound of those words leaving his mouth just come across as sad.

“Let’s clean up,” I suggest. “Before it gets too sappy in here.”

“Good idea.” Lucy nods but wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. “Let’s clean up after this jerk once and for all.”