“You’re right.” He blows out a breath and then takes another deep one. “You’re right. I’ve just had a few bad moments. I love you more than anything in this world, and I don’t want you anywhere near that thing.”

“Same goes.” I smile and lean in to hug him again. “If I could lock you away in here, I totally would. But Xander needs us both.”

“This might sound like toxic masculinity, but the day that you shield me from anything, is a day that will never happen.”

“That should probably irritate me,” I reply, thinking it over. “But it’s also kind of hot.”

“What do you say we blow off this whole kill-the-monster thing and stay here where I can make love to you all day?”

I grin, glad that he’s found even ground again.

“That sounds like a great idea. But unfortunately, we have to kill the monster. Still, I’ll take a rain check on that.”

“Tomorrow,” he promises and covers my mouth with his, sinking into me. “It’ll happen.”

“What is taking so long up there?” Lucy calls out.

“On our way,” I yell back. “Come on, no more procrastinating.” We jog downstairs, where Merlin waits in his kennel next to Lucy’s feet.

“We’re ready,” I announce.

“That dress is to die for,” Lucy says. “I haven’t seen it finished.”

“Wow,” Giles says, taking in the dress for the first time.

“After what happened at Samhain, I needed something that made me feel powerful when I wore it. I have the ward on my neck, but this holds a lot of power, too. As I embroidered the edges, I worked my own spells and those of my ancestors into the stitches. I think I’m going to need it today.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Lucy says and pulls me in for a quick, fierce hug. “Let’s get going. I don’t want to miss anything.”

It doesn’t take long to drop off Merlin with Nera, who’s happy to see him. Lucy and Nera have a talk, and the dog hugs her by resting his head on her shoulder.

It’s always the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.

Then, armed with herbs, her own cloak, and some tools, we make our way back to the coven.

Everyone seems to be back, dressed similarly to us and armed with weapons of their own.

“Where’s Lorelei?” I ask, looking around for her.

“She wasn’t with you?” Astrid asks.

“No, she left before us. Didn’t she go home to get her stuff? She should be back by now.”

“I haven’t seen her all day,” Lucy says, and when I look over at her, I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. “Oh, no. She wouldn’t.”

“I’m afraid she would.”

“I just found this,” my mom announces, hurrying out of the house. “I think Lorelei has done something foolish.”

She’s carrying a silver tray with a crystal ball and a note on it.

Loved ones,

I can’t leave him out there alone. I’ve gone to look for him. I’ll reach out to you when I find him. Don’t worry, I have my ward, and I will be careful. I love you, and I’ll see you soon.


“I’m going to wring her neck,” Lucy grumbles. “Why did she leave it by the crystal ball?”

“So we could find her, of course,” Astrid says with tears in her troubled eyes. “My girl is no dummy.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t notice when she left,” I mutter, mentally kicking myself. “I should have known she’d try something like this. I should have stopped her.”

“It’s not helping her or anyone for you to beat yourself up over this now,” Mom says. “Let’s concentrate on finding her and getting to her before she gets hurt.”

Astrid loosens her gaze and focuses on the sphere.

“Do you see her?”

“She’s in her house,” Astrid says and then goes very pale. “And she’s in trouble.”

“Let’s go,” Giles says, his face set in grim lines and looking every part the fierce warrior he is. “It looks like we’re starting earlier than planned.”

“Lucy and I are going in,” I announce when we get to the house by the shoreline. The rest of the coven takes their places around the cottage and on the shore, placing crystal grids, setting out candles for spells, and drawing sigils and runes in the sand. “We’re warded, and we’re the closest to Lorelei.”

“If you think I’ll stand idly by while my wife confronts a monster, you’re very much mistaken,” Jonas says, not unkindly but very sternly. “You may lead, but I’ll be there with you, every step of the way.”

“Same goes,” Giles says, watching me, his jaw set. “I’m not leaving you. All four of us go in together.”

“There’s no time to argue,” Lucy says and takes my hand. “We stand together, and we stand firm. We show no fear. It wants our fear. That fuels the hate. Just remember that. Use your anger and your power for what fuels you.”