“I wonder if it plans to try to kill you that same way,” Lorelei ponders out loud. “Like he’s trying to show you: This is how I plan to make you suffer.”

“Isn’t that a lovely thought?” Lucy asks, sarcasm dripping from every word. “For the goddess’s sake, Lorelei.”

“What?” Lorelei holds up her hands. “Nothing about this is lovely. We have to consider that possibility.”

“As unpleasant as it is,” Jonas adds, “she could be right.”

“That is not how I plan to go out,” I say. “No way.”

“None of us is dying at the hands of that thing,” Lorelei says.

“I wasn’t poisoned?” Breena asks, wiping away her tears. “I didn’t eat wisteria?”

“No,” Lucy replies, shaking her head again. “I don’t even have wisteria in the house. You didn’t eat anything, I promise.”

“But you were talking to me,” Breena says, looking at Jonas.

“I was trying to reach you while you were unconscious,” he confirms. “I know you’re not clairvoyant, but sometimes when a person is under, it’s easier to reach them telepathically. It sounds to me like you might have heard me.”

“I think so,” Breena replies softly. “Your voice was so reassuring. Thank you for that.”

“Of course.” Jonas wraps his arm around his wife and smiles down at Breena.

“Ugh. I want to go home.” Breena fights tears again. “I’m so sorry this happened.”

“Please don’t apologize for something that isn’t your fault,” Lucy says and then frowns. “You know, I never did hear back from Xander. I called him and left a message, but he hasn’t replied at all.”

“I haven’t heard from him today either,” I add.

“If he had to deal with his father, he’s probably in hermit mode,” Lorelei says. “He has big feelings to deal with when it comes to his parents. He might just be licking some emotional wounds.”

“Maybe you should go check on him,” Breena suggests to Lorelei, who looks mildly taken aback at the thought. “You know him best, Lora. Maybe he needs someone to talk to.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not that person for Xander anymore. He made damn sure of that.” Lorelei stands up from the bed and walks to the door. “I’m glad everything’s okay here. Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll be at home, trying to write, but I’ll keep my phone nearby.”

And with that, she walks past Jonas, and we hear her descend the stairs.

“She’s so stubborn,” Lucy mutters. “But no one can make her figure her shit out when it comes to Xander. She has to do that on her own.”

“She may never figure it out,” Breena says softly. “I don’t know exactly what went down there, but it broke something in her. And even though we all know they’re fated, I’m afraid they’ll never find their way back to each other and will both end up alone.”

“I’d say it broke a piece of him, as well.” I kiss Breena’s head and then offer her my hand. “Come on, let’s get you home. Do you feel well enough to walk?”

“I think so.” She takes my hand and stands. “Yeah, I’m fine. Much better than I felt a few minutes ago. You said Merlin is at home?”

“He is.”

“Well, good. What a weird evening.”

“You’re not kidding,” Lucy says. “But I’m glad I saw you pass out so I could help you right away.”

“Me, too.” Breena hugs her cousin close. “Thank you.”

“I’d like to drive past Xander’s house,” I say to Breena as I steer her car through town. “We won’t stop. I just want to see if the lights are on.”

“Good idea. Let’s stalk him.”

I glance over at her and laugh, relieved that she sounds more like herself. “If the lights are on, I’ll know he’s home and just taking some time for himself.”

“And if the house is dark?”

“Then he could be anywhere, and I’ll be more worried.”

“Well, then, I think we should drive by.” She reaches for my hand and presses it to her cheek. “I’m sure he’s fine. I mean, he’s Xander.”

“Even Xander is human.”

“Of course, he is. But he’s also always been a loner. Sure, he has the coven and all of us, but Xander isn’t one to seek out help from others. I’m positive he’s absolutely fine.”

I turn onto his street. When we drive past his house, I see lights on upstairs, and I let out a breath of relief. Breena’s right. He really is just taking some time for himself.

“See? He’s there,” Breena says. “Thank goodness. Now, you can stop worrying.”

“I’ll come by and see him in the morning. In the meantime, let’s get you home. Do you need anything?”

“A shower,” she decides. “I think I was sweating when I was freaked out. I want to wash all of that away.”

“We can definitely arrange for that.”

I pull into the driveway, and we walk into the house where Merlin is lazily picking away at his bowl of food.