“I haven’t either,” Giles says as he rinses a bowl and places it in the dishwasher. “I tried to call him earlier, but there was no answer.”

“That’s not like him.”

“I’ll give him until tomorrow morning, and then I’ll just show up at his house,” he replies. “Will you pass me that salad bowl?”

“Sure.” I hand it over and then return to scrubbing the pan I used to sauté the chicken. “Have you had anything weird happen today?”

“Not really. You?”

“No. And, honestly, that makes me nervous because I know something will happen eventually, and I wish it would just get it over with already.”

Giles smiles over at me. “And here I always pegged you as an optimist.”

“I am, but you have to admit, something usually happens every day.”

“Just don’t think about it.”

I snort and then glance over to Merlin’s food dish, frowning. “Merlin hasn’t eaten anything today.”

“Must not be hungry.”

I glance around but don’t see the cat anywhere in the kitchen. “He almost always empties his bowl by this time of the day. You know, I don’t remember seeing him earlier when I was working at my altar, and Merlin loves altar work.”

“Maybe he got trapped in a room. He’s always running in and out of places. I might have accidentally closed him in the pantry when I was making dinner,” Giles suggests and walks over to the pantry, but when he opens the door and peers inside, he shakes his head. “Not in there.”

“I’m going to check around the house.” I wipe my hands on a towel and walk toward the sunroom. “Merlin? Where are you, baby?”

He’s not in the sunroom. And after a few frantic moments of both Giles and me checking the entire ground floor, we come up empty.

“You check outside,” I suggest as I head for the stairs. “I’ll go upstairs.”

“On it,” Giles says, headed for the back door.

“Merlin,” I call out as I ascend the stairs. “If you’re being lazy somewhere and ignoring us, I’m going to be mad. It’s not funny.”

I check the bedrooms, my tapestry room, and the bathrooms. Sometimes, Merlin likes to nap in the sink.

But he’s not there.

“Any luck?” Giles calls up the stairs.

“No.” I stand at the top of the stairs, my hands on my hips. “I take it you didn’t find him.”

He shakes his head. “Where would he go?”

Worry starts to settle in my stomach as my cell rings in my pocket. “Hey, Lucy. You haven’t seen Merlin by any chance, have you? I know it’s a weird question, but—”

“He’s right here,” Lucy replies. “I found him out on the porch, sunning himself. When I opened the door, he just waltzed right in as if he owned the place. Nera was happy to see him.”

I frown and then shrug. “Weird. Okay, I’ll come and get him. Thanks, Luce.”

“Sure thing. No rush. He’s fine here.”

“Okay, see you soon.” I hang up and walk down the steps to Giles. “He’s at Lucy’s. I have no idea how he got out or why he went to her place, but at least he’s safe and sound. I’ll run over and grab him.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“You don’t have to.” I can see how tired he is. Giles has been working full time while also dealing with the stress of a paranormal maniac trying to kill us all. “I won’t be long, and then I’ll come back, and we can curl up and watch a movie or something.”

He narrows his eyes on me. “Are you sure? Because I don’t mind.”

“You’re exhausted.”

He blows out a breath and tips his forehead to mine. “Yeah, I am. But you’re more important.”

“I’m fine. Honest. It won’t take me long, and I’ll be perfectly safe. Lucy and Jonas are on the other side of this little adventure, and you’re here.”

“Okay.” He kisses my forehead and walks me to the door. “Go get your familiar. I’m going to have a little chat with him when he gets home. He doesn’t need to be pulling shit like this.”

“He’s a cat,” I remind him with a laugh. “But sure, you go ahead and have that talk. I’ll see you in a few.”

I blow Giles a kiss and then get in my car and head for Lucy’s apothecary. She lives and works in the same building, and it’s one of my favorite spots in town. Her gardens are amazing, which is pretty standard for a green witch, and everything she offers in her shop is full of magic.

I might have to do a little shopping while I’m there.

She’s already flipped the Closed sign on the door when I arrive, so I walk around to the back door, which is where Lucy and Jonas come and go from. I peek inside and see Lucy at the stove. She waves me inside.

“Hey,” I say as I walk in and spot Merlin lying on the floor next to Nera. “So, you just decided to visit your old pal here?”