“Creepy as hell,” Lorelei breathes out.

“We think there must be a spell we can work to trap it in a mirror and then destroy it,” Xander says.

“Of course,” I murmur. “Why on earth didn’t we think of that sooner? It’s so simple.”

“But not easy,” Astrid replies immediately, shaking her head. “I’ve never heard of such a spell working, Xander. Others have tried, but it’s not just a reflection of what’s happening, it’s another dimension entirely. What you’re suggesting means destroying that entire dimension.”

“There’s a way,” Jonas replies, opening a Book of Shadows he was carrying. “And it would only destroy the dimension in that particular mirror, not the reality as a whole.”

“Impossible,” my mom mutters. “You’re starting to dive into things you don’t understand. We don’t mess with the other side. We don’t stick our noses into the multiverse. It can be catastrophic.”

“What choice do we have?” Xander demands, anger radiating from him. Neither my mom nor Astrid looks surprised, and they don’t back down from the big man.

But Lorelei slowly gets to her feet.

“I will not sit idly by as a ghost decides to taunt and torture the women I love,” Xander continues. “And that’s every single one of you and the others in the coven. I will do whatever it takes to destroy it and keep every single one of you safe.”

“What you’re talking about is dangerous,” Astrid reminds him. “You, any of you, could end up trapped in an alternate reality, Xander.”

“It’s a chance I’m willing to take.”

“No.” I shake my head as I stand to pace the kitchen. “No, Xander. There has to be another way.”

“If you discover it, I’m all ears,” he replies, his face set in grim lines. “In the meantime, we’ll be researching this way. I won’t jump into anything without understanding all the ins and outs and ensuring we keep everyone safe.”

“Including yourself,” Lorelei says, speaking for the first time.

Xander doesn’t reply.

“I said, including yourself, Xander.” Lorelei crosses to him, going toe-to-toe with him. Seeing the short woman squaring off with a man close to seven feet tall, would be laughable, but she has pure anger in every line of her body. “You will not be the sacrificial lamb.”

“You don’t need to worry about it,” is Xander’s only response. The aunts and Polly all roll their eyes.

“Goddess save us from men and their masculinity,” Polly mutters. “Lorelei’s right, Xander. The only way to do this is if every single one of you is safe.”

“You will not sacrifice yourself,” Lorelei says to Xander. “I won’t have it.”

“I didn’t ask,” he replies. His voice is hard but not unkind.

Lorelei turns on her heel and walks out the door.

“I’ll go,” Astrid says, hurrying after her daughter.

“We aren’t stupid,” Giles assures us all. “A lot of planning and research will go into this before we do anything, but we have to do something. Otherwise, we’re just sitting ducks, waiting for it to make its next move.”

“We need to be on the offensive,” Jonas says with a nod. “I think it’s a good idea. I wish I had access to my coven in Hallows End. They might know what to do.”

“But you can’t ask them,” I guess, and he nods grimly.

“It’s okay. There are others we can ask, both locally and all over the country.” Lucy looks at me and then at Lorelei. “I know we called Miss Sophia before, but she might be able to help us with this, too.”

“She’s out of the country,” Polly informs her with a frown. “She and her granddaughter are on a trip to Ireland.”

“Wow, good for them,” Lucy says. “I’ll still send her a note so she can get back to me when she returns. And I’ll reach out to the other witches in New Orleans. They’re really smart people, and they’ve been through a hell all their own.”

“Good idea.” Xander nods. “I’m going to call my father.”

We all go still, sure we misheard him.

“I’m sorry, what?” I finally ask.

“You heard me,” he replies. “He’s an asshole, but he’s a powerful witch. He might have answers.”

“Do you even know where he is?” I ask him. Xander hasn’t seen his father since he was a little boy.

“I know,” Xander says with a nod and glances at the door Lorelei left through. “I’m going to go call him. I’ll keep you all posted on what I find out.”

“Won’t you stay for dinner?” Mom asks. “You can deal with your father later once you’ve had something to eat.”

“Thank you, Hilda, but I’d like to get this over with. You all enjoy.”

He nods and walks out, and I look over at Giles. “Are you sure about this?”

“Nope. But it’s the only thing we have right now, so we’re going to work through it.”

I have a bad feeling about this.

“Have you heard anything from Xander?” Giles and I are doing dishes, and it’s been a full twenty-four hours since everything happened at my mom and Astrid’s house. “I’ve been thinking about him all day and haven’t heard a word.”