“Breena,” Xander says with a smile. “Just bring whatever feels right.”

“Okay. Got it. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”

“Lucy and Jonas are on their way,” Xander says after Breena hangs up.

“And Lorelei?”

His jaw tightens. “She won’t pick up for me.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” I FaceTime Lorelei’s number, and she picks up on the second ring, her face comes onto the screen. “You have got to stop being so damn stubborn and answer the phone when Xander calls.”

“The last time I checked, I was a grown-ass woman who doesn’t have to do anything.”

“I’m going to spank her,” I hear Xander whisper and choose not to share that with Lorelei.

“We need your help.” I give her all the information and watch as her eyes transform from annoyance to concern.

“On my way. Be there in twenty.”

She cuts off, and I tuck my phone into my pocket.

“We can get any crystals we need out of the shop. I don’t have a broom here, though. Not a magic one, anyway.”

“Any broom will do,” he says with a smile, but the grin drops when we hear growling behind us.

“Here we go again.”

We turn and find the red dog with its human eyes.

“Your bravery doesn’t scare us,” Xander says, making it growl louder. It crouches like it’s about to strike, but then it stops, whimpers, and walks away.

“Good boy,” Lucy says, petting Nera on the back. “He scared that thing off. The first time we saw it, it spooked my boy, but now it just pisses him off.”

“Good boy,” I croon and scratch the big dog behind his ears. “You’re a very good boy.”

He leans into me as Breena and Lorelei arrive, and I lead everyone upstairs to the apartment.

“I’ll be right there,” Xander says, turning to the shop. “I’m going to grab some crystals.”

“Whatever you need,” I assure him with a nod before climbing the steps with the others.

“Someone’s here,” Lorelei says immediately, narrowing her eyes and walking in a circle around the empty space of the living room. Suddenly, she turns to me. “And you fell. Right here.”

“Yeah, I did. Something pushed me and knocked me out.”

“I never had any encounters when I lived here,” Breena adds as Xander joins us, carrying crystals in both of his huge hands. “It was always quiet.”

“Yeah, well, something moved in after you moved out,” Lucy says and closes her eyes. “It’s angry.”

“Is it it?” I ask. “The killer entity?”

“No,” Breena says before anyone else can reply. “No, I’d feel it. I don’t know how I know that. I just do.”

“I have a question,” Lorelei says, turning to Xander. “How is it that you’re always the one nearby when something happens to Giles? It happened the other day, too, when he had the vision of being in 1692. And now this. How?”

“I’m psychic,” Xander reminds her. “And I happened to be nearby. The first time, I was walking by and saw him completely by happenstance.”

“And this time?” Lorelei demands.

“I was flying by,” Xander responds, “and saw in the window.”

“Do you often peek in people’s windows? Because that’s just wrong. I never took you for a peeping Tom, but I guess after all the shit you’ve pulled, it wouldn’t surprise me.”

“So, are we just going to be mean to each other, or are we going to do something about whatever is tormenting Giles?” Breena asks, cutting into the argument. “Because I have stuff I could be doing at home.”

“Wow.” Lorelei smiles over at her cousin. “I like that you’re becoming more outspoken lately.”

“I don’t have time to be anything else,” Breena reminds her and then turns to me. “You and I aren’t mediums, but even I can feel that something’s wrong here.”

“Yeah, that’s why I came up to investigate earlier. I heard footsteps while I was working downstairs. Part of me hoped it was a squatter.”

“What is a squatter?” Jonas asks, frowning at his wife. “That’s a term I have not heard before.”

“You know, a homeless person who breaks into a place and lives there uninvited, rent free,” Xander says. “A squatter.”

“Ah. Yes, that makes sense. And would be more convenient in this case.”

“But, no.” I sigh and prop my hands on my hips. “It’s some weird shit.”

“We live in Salem,” Breena reminds me and pats my shoulder. “We’re used to weird sh—stuff.”

I smile down at her. It’s adorable how she doesn’t like to swear. “You have a point.”

“So, what’s the plan? Why did I bring my besom? I just made it, so please tell me I don’t have to ruin it,” Lorelei says, holding her tall broom by the handle.

“I just made mine, too,” Breena says with a grin. “I love the flowers you used. And the shells. Did you find those on your shoreline?”

“Can we discuss besom embellishments another time?” Lucy asks her cousins. “We have some spirits to scare off here.”