He tsked. “That’s not nearly enough.”
“Let’s go take a shower.”
Those blue eyes of his turned dark and his dimple appeared, causing my heart to feel like it dropped a bit in my chest.
Once we were in his room, I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the hot shower. Blayze washed my body first before I took over and washed him. Pushing him onto the small bench in his shower, I dropped down and took him in my mouth. I’d never given a man a blow job before, so I had no idea what to do, but Blayze seemed to be enjoying it.
“Jesus, Georgie. Fuck yes. Oh God.”
Smiling, I used my hand to stroke him at the same time. I heard a friend of mine once say she would lightly graze her teeth over the edge of a guy’s dick because it was sensitive there. I tried it and Blayze grabbed a fistful of my hair and moaned in pleasure. It felt so good to have this kind of power over him. To know it was me who made him moan and buck his hips.
“Christ above, that feels good. Faster, Georgie, fuck, I’m so close.”
I moved my hand and my mouth faster. Sucking harder as I got to the tip. Blayze grabbed onto the edge of the seat and gasped for air. “I’m going to come. If you don’t want to…”
His words fell away as I sucked harder, taking him in deeper.
“Georgie!” he cried as warm jets of his cum hit the back of my throat. Not gonna lie, I almost gagged, but hearing his moans of pleasure pushed me past it, and I took in all of him. Every single drop he spilled into my mouth. When he slumped back, I slowly let his dick fall from my lips.
“Was that good?”
He let out a strangled laugh. “That was fucking amazing. Hell, I’ve never come so hard.”
While his eyes were closed, I rinsed out my mouth and gave a little shudder. Cum tasted horrible. Did men really mean it when they gave you oral sex and said it tasted like honey? I highly doubted it. One day I’d work up the nerve to ask Blayze.
I stood and let the hot water run over my face and body. “I’ve never done that before.”
When I looked down at him, I saw that he was watching me. My newsflash had caused him to jerk his brows up in surprise. “Are you serious?”
“Yep, you were my first.”
He stood. “And I’ll be your last.”
His words hit me in the chest, but in the most amazing way. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. “You are most certainly the last.”
“Georgie. Georgie, wake up.”
I rolled onto my back, aware that the warmth of Blayze’s body was no longer pressed against mine.
“No! It’s too early. Go back to bed, Blayze.”
He kissed each corner of my mouth. “Merry first Christmas.”
I looked up to see the most handsome man I’d ever laid eyes on smiling down at me.
“Merry first Christmas.”
I yawned and let out a long, pained noise as I stretched my entire body out.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“It’s six.”
Sitting up, I exhaled. “That’s right, the sun doesn’t rise until eight-something.”
“Eight eighteen, to be exact. Come on, we need to get going.”
I tossed the covers off me. Blayze was standing there with his robe at the ready, and I shuffled my way into the bathroom.
“I talked to my dad,” I said as I put toothpaste on my brush. “He said my Ford Bronco will be leaving Texas on January fourth,” I said. “My parents plan on flying up the next day. I think I’ll fly back with them, clean out my place, and pack and ship anything else I might need. I doubt there’s much. I traveled so much I didn’t really pick up a lot of stuff along the way.”
When I turned to look at him, he was starting at me. “What?”
Sometimes I feel like I need to slap myself to believe you’re really here to stay.”
“Don’t do that! I rather like that handsome face of yours.”
Blayze laughed. “Get ready, we’ve got somewhere to be.”
After getting ready, I dressed in a pair of thermals I had bought the other day, as well as a pair of jeans. My long-sleeve shirt, along with my down jacket, should keep me warm.
“I’m glad Morgan talked me into buying these winter riding gloves,” I said a while later when I jumped out of Blayze’s truck, sipping on the to-go coffee I’d made before we left. I also had on a scarf and a comfy cotton hat.
“It’s a chilly morning for sure,” Blayze stated as we walked into the barn to find Hank standing there with Duke and Elly saddled up and ready to go.
“Hank! Merry Christmas!” I said, walking up and giving him a hug. “You didn’t have to come down here and do this for us on Christmas morning!”