Hunter walked up to the group. “I think we have a problem.” He held up a magazine, and I nearly dropped to my knees when I read the title.

“The Real Story of Why Blayze Shaw Left PBR.”

“What in the fuck?” Blayze said as I stared down at a picture of him in a tux standing at the altar with Lindsay.

“Where did that picture come from?” I asked, looking up at my father.

“My guess, Lindsay gave it to them when she gave them her interview.”

“What?” Blayze and Hunter said at the same time.

My eyes found Blayze, and I desperately wanted to reach for him as he stared down at the magazine.

“How did Lindsay even know the magazine was doing an interview on the family, and how did Blayze get pulled into this?” Hunter asked.

Blayze’s eyes jerked up and met mine. I shook my head. “I didn’t say anything to her or anyone. I swear to you, Blayze.”

“But you knew about the engagement and the wedding. Why not tell me your editor told you and made it seem like Wendy told you?”

“Wendy did tell me the story about you leaving Lindsay at the altar. That was it. I didn’t know anything other than that you were possibly engaged before.”

His brows pinched together. “The call you took in my truck that first day? You knew since then they wanted a piece on me, and you lied to me about not writing about me.”

“No!” I quickly said. “I mean, yes, that was when he told me they wanted to go in a different direction. But that’s a moot point, I never had any intention on writing it that way.”

I kept staring at Blayze, trying to get him to believe me. “I was told when I landed in Atlanta, after leaving Paris, that I was going to Montana to do a where are they know story on Brock and his brothers. And Dirk Littlewood. Once I got to Montana, this editor I’d never met before said he wanted me to interview you as well. I called my father as soon as I found out the magazine wanted to go in another direction.”

Blayze frowned. “But you never told me. You never told any of us. Why? Why not tell us they were changing the angle? You kept pretending you were going to do the article.”

“After I decided not to write the article at all, I told Brock. I was going to write it as it was origanlly supposed to be, until I found out they wanted to go in a different direction. I swear to you,” I pleaded. “I would never hurt you or your family.”

“Okay, everyone stop coming at Georgiana from all angles,” my father said. “She told me what was happening. She said she contacted the magazine and was pulling herself off the assignment. She also promised to tell Blayze they were digging for information on him.”

I spun to face Blayze. “I was going to tell you. I tried to tell you a few different times. The first time was when…” My cheeks flamed. “Things kept happening. I was going to tell you tonight. I swear to you, Blayze. I told Brock and your mom.”

The look of hurt on his face had my breath catching in my throat.

“You know how I am about my privacy. You didn’t think this was something I needed to know right away?”

“Blayze, I tried multiple times to tell you.”

“Didn’t try hard enough,” Blayze spat out.

Lincoln glared at him. “Blayze, that’s enough.”

Blayze reached down and grabbed the magazine, crumpling it in his hand as he shook it in my face. “Who gave them this information then?”

“I don’t know! Earlier, Lindsay said–”

“I saw the two of you talking. Did you work with her–”

My father stepped between me and Blayze.

“Son, you need to stop and think before you say something you’ll regret.”

“I trusted you,” Blayze said, still staring at me. “I trusted you, and you lied to me.”

I shook my head as my heart broke into a million pieces.

“I know I should have told you right away, and I regret I didn’t try harder.”

He scoffed.

“Blayze,” Lincoln said calmly as she walked up to her son. She put a hand on his shoulder. “I think we should take this back to the ranch to talk it out. People are starting to stare.”

Blayze stepped around my father. “The time for talking is long past.”

“Blayze,” I said on a sob. “Please, I’m so sorry—”

Pointing at me, Blayze cut me off. “Leave me alone. You’re the last person I want to talk to right now.”

I took a few steps back. “Wh-what?”

“Blayze, that’s enough,” Brock said.

“Let’s all calm down here,” Ty added as he walked around to Blayze’s other side.

Blayze gave me a look so full of disappointment that I gasped. Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I shook my head.