I saw the hurt still on his face. It was all I could do to keep from leaving and going to find that skank!
“I have no idea, but their grand plan almost worked. If it hadn’t been for that old friend of mine and Wanda, I would have married her.”
Reaching for his hand, I wished I could take all of his pain away. I also couldn’t help but feel guilty.
“I wish you’d talked to me that night at the benefit,” I said. “Pete and I were already broken up. We actually broke up on the way to the party, and he was being a gentleman by still accompanying me.”
He slowly shook his head. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
I frowned and squeezed his hand. “Ugh, I hate Lindsay. I hate her.”
Chapter Sixteen
I could see the anger on Georgie’s face and the wheels turning in her head. I would hazard a guess that she was thinking about beating Lindsay’s ass.
“Is that why you left her at the altar?” she asked.
I froze. “What?”
Her face went pale as she realized what she’d said.
“How did you know that?”
Georgie sighed. “Wendy, Mindy’s sister told me. That night at The Blue Moose, Mindy let it slip that Lindsay was the woman you were arguing with. But that was all she told me.”
I stared at her. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t want you to think I was snooping around in your business. I figured if you wanted to share that part of your life with me, you would.”
I believed she was telling me the truth. “Very little people were at the wedding, and it was on the ranch, so it was easy to keep prying eyes out. We only had family and close friends there. I dug a bit more, and it was pretty easy to find out that Lindsay wasn’t pregnant at all. I asked about going to the doctor together, and she gave me one stupid excuse after another. Then I confronted Lane the morning of the wedding. Took a private plane to Tacoma where he was riding that weekend. Told him I knew the truth, and he broke like a cheap piece of furniture. Confessed to the whole fucking plan to get me off the tour and to get money from my family. I threatened him and told him not to tell Lindsay that I knew the truth yet. I wanted to handle her myself. Called my dad from the plane, had him bring his lawyer in, and we drew up a non-disclosure for both Lindsay and Lane to sign.”
“I knew I wasn’t going to have a future in the PBR because it wasn’t really in my heart to follow that path, and I was fine with it. In a way, it was a blessing in disguise. But I knew my brother and Bradly wanted it, and I didn’t want stupid family gossip to follow them out on the circuit. My father and uncles worked too fucking hard to build the Shaw brand. I wasn’t going to let my mistake ruin that reputation. So I stood there and watched Lindsay walk down the aisle. When she turned to face me, I leaned down and told her Lane confessed everything. Told her to meet me in my father’s office, and then I walked away.”
“And she met you in there, I’m guessing?”
I nodded. “She did. She admitted that she wasn’t pregnant, and that they came up with the plan to get me off the circuit and to try and get money from the family. Since she hadn’t actually done anything yet, we couldn’t charge her with anything. She signed the non-disclosure, and I told her if I ever saw her anywhere near me or my family again, she’d regret it.”
Georgie slowly shook her head. “All so you wouldn’t join the tour?”
I nodded. “And money. It was really about the money.”
“Blayze, I’m so sorry. What a bitch.”
Glancing back up at the ceiling, I said, “After that, I had a really hard time trusting anyone.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” I asked as I looked over at her.
“You wouldn’t have left Dallas if you didn’t see me that night.”
I laughed and sat up, facing her. “If I had acted like an adult and had come up and spoken with you instead of running off like a wounded pup, then it wouldn’t have happened.”
“Was that why you were so against me being here?”
I placed my hand on the side of her face. “I was scared to death to see you again, Georgie. No matter how much time has passed, the thought of you here, in my house with me, it just…”
My voice trailed off.
She smiled. “I know; I felt the same. I’ve thought about you so many times. I even told my parents at one point that I kept comparing all the men I dated to you.”