“I was obsessed with bulls, but not girls,” he said.

“What?” I let out a disbelieving laugh. “You flirted with any woman, young or old. Those big blue eyes and that dimple made all the girls swoon.”

“Did they make you swoon?” he asked with a smirk.

My faced heated. “Yes.”

“Do they still?” He flashed me a smile so big I instantly looked at his dimple, then up into his eyes.

“I’m not that naïve anymore.”

He let out a humorless chuckle. “No, you’re not.”

“But,” I softly said, “when you wink at me, it makes my stomach flutter, so I guess I do sorta still swoon.”

That confession seemed to take him completely off guard. He froze, then seemed to realize that he wasn’t massaging my foot anymore. He cleared his throat and started moving those skillful hands again.

Moaning, I dropped my head back. “You have no idea how good that feels.”

He did something with his thumb to my arch, and I nearly came out of my chair. It hurt but felt so good. Okay, I really had to tell him about the article.

“Are you still the same kind of kisser?” he asked.

Lifting my head, I stared at him. “Excuse me?”

“Last night, after I laid you in your bed, you asked if I kissed the same as I did before.”

I was positive my eyes went as wide as saucers, a horrified expression filling my face. “I asked that? I thought I dreamt that.”

“You dream about me, huh?” he asked teasingly.

“I was exhausted, Blayze. I’m so sorry.”

“For what? The question, or the kiss in my truck?”

I instantly pressed my fingers to my lips, and his eyes tracked my movements.

“We kissed?”

He shook his head. “No, I was putting your seatbelt on and you kissed me. It was more like a peck. Then you fell back asleep and drool started to come out of the side of your mouth, so I’m not really counting that one.”

I pulled my foot away and stood. “It did not!”

Sitting back in the rocker, he laughed. A belly rumbling kind of laugh. “You did. It was all caked on the side of your face when I carried you up to your room.”

“You…you…you! Ugh!”

He raised both brows. “Yes?”

I dropped back in my seat again. “I did wake up with drool on my face and pillow. It was gross. I must have been sleeping hard.”

“All that reading the night before.”

I snapped my head over to look at him. When our eyes met, I wondered if he felt the crackle in the air between us like I did.

Tell him now, Georgie, before he distracts you again!

“Do you want to find out, Georgie?”

I swallowed hard. I knew what he was asking but decided to play dumb.

“Find out what?”

“If I kiss the same.”

Blinking rapidly, I looked around.

He lowered his voice a bit. “No dads this time to catch us.”

My face instantly warmed.

Blayze stood, and I couldn’t tear my eyes off of him. His gaze was heated, and his deep blue eyes looked like deep pools of water in the ocean.

“You want to kiss me,” I said.

“Is that a statement or a question, Georgie?”

Shaking my head, I let out a nervous laugh while he stood in front of me and held his hands out for mine. By their own force, my hands lifted to rest in his. He tugged me up and my body crashed against him.

Trying to find my voice, I whispered, “It’s a question.”

His brows drew down in surprise. “Why wouldn’t I want to kiss you?”

I opened my mouth, but my thoughts jumbled around in my head. When I finally found the words to speak, it didn’t sound like my voice. I lacked confidence, and I hated that. But there was something about this man. I’d never stopped thinking about him for all these years. Never stopped wondering how different our lives would have been if we’d never gotten caught.

“You have so many beautiful women throwing themselves at you, Blayze. Why would you want to kiss a woman like me?”

His eyes softened, and he put his hand on the side of my face. I leaned into it, loving the way his skin felt on mine. I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them. My breath caught in my throat at the intense look he was giving me.

“Because you’re the first woman I ever wanted to kiss. And every time I see you, I can hardly think of anything other than kissing you.”

Air slipped out of my lips. My chest warmed, and a rush of sensations filled my entire body. I was hot then cold. I was filled with lust and want, yet so confused how I actually felt about Blayze. Our sexual attraction was over the top, no doubt about that. I had thought maybe it was one-sided, but his words and the way he looked at me said it was mutual. Did I want to go down this road with him? We were two totally different people from two totally different worlds. Not to mention the article, and what Blayze would think of it. If we gave into our feelings, it could change everything. It would change everything.