“Hey, Blayze!”

He smiled politely when he saw her. “How’s it going, Liz?”

I didn’t miss the way she let her eyes wander over him. My gosh, did all women openly eye-fuck the guy? I wondered if Blayze ever got tired of it. If he did, he didn’t show it.

She smiled “It’s going. Are you going to the street dance next weekend?”

“Most likely.”

“Great! Will you save me a dance?”

Blayze tipped his cowboy hat and flashed her a panty-melting smile. I tried not to let it bother me, but damn it all to hell, it did.

“Sure, I will. How are your folks?”

Looking as if he’d asked her to give him the sun and the moon, she beamed up at him. “They’re doing real good. Daddy is thinking of retiring.”

“Really?” Blayze asked. “Your brother taking over the cattle?”

“Bobby? You couldn’t drag him back to Hamilton if you offered him a million dollars. We’ll most likely sell them off.”

Blayze nodded, seemingly lost in thought. “If he needs any help, you tell him to let me know, okay?”

She grinned. “I will. Listen, you should come on over for dinner tonight if you’re not busy.”

I could tell that Blayze was about to look my way, so I engrossed myself with a set of books and acted as if I wasn’t even aware he was having a conversation.

“Maybe. I need to see how my day goes.”

Pfft. More like needed to see how fast he could ditch me. Liz was another beauty. Dark blonde hair that was cut to her chin. She had on workout clothes, and her insanely fit body was on full display for everyone. She was probably the type of woman Blayze went for.

They said their goodbyes, and I watched Liz head to the back room of the bookstore. Great, she worked here. I quickly grabbed a book and opened it when I saw Blayze making his way over to me.

“What are you reading?” he asked.

“Something interesting,” I said as I shut the book and stared down at the title. The Cure for Stupidity.

I groaned on the inside.

Blayze leaned in closer. “Using Brain Science to Explain Irrational Behavior at Work?” Turning his head, he frowned. “Is this for you or someone else?”

Ignoring his question, I slipped the book back in place before heading to the romance section. Running my finger along the spines, I stopped when I found one of my favorite authors. Julia Quinn. I drew the book out and smiled at the title. Just Like Heaven. Historical romance was my favorite genre.

I tucked the book safely against my chest and kept looking. Next I found Evie Dunmore. I had that book on e-book but decided I needed the paperback as well.

“Bringing Down the Duke?”

Spinning on my heels, I nearly ran into Blayze. “It’s one of my favorite books.”

He simply nodded. “You like historical?”

“Romance. I like historical romance.”

A crooked smile tugged at his mouth. “I gathered. What’s a good book for me to read?”

“In historical romance?” I asked in a bewildered tone.


I remembered him mentioning he liked it, though not contemporary romance.

The idea of Blayze reading a romance novel made my insides warm. Handing him Evie Dunmore’s book, I said, “This one.”

Blayze took it, turned it over, and read the blurb. With a single nod, he placed it with the others in his hand and then proceeded to walk over to the checkout area. “We should get going if we want to make it to our next adventure.”

I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. My feelings were all over the damn place. I didn’t want to have romantic thoughts about Blayze. I didn’t want to visualize what it would be like having him read a book to me. I didn’t want to hit the woman from earlier who’d asked him to dinner. But I did, in fact, want all of that.

And that wasn’t good. It wasn’t good at all.

Chapter Eleven


When Blayze drove us back to the Shaw ranch, I didn’t think much about it. When he turned to the left almost immediately, I simply wondered where we were going. But the farther we drove, the more I realized we were going somewhere I hadn’t been on the ranch before. He pulled up to a gate and punched in a code. The brand on the gate was the same as the one on the main ranch gate.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Ty’s arena.”

“His arena?” I asked cautiously.



Blayze turned to look at me. With a shit-eating grin, he answered, “To get you up on a bull.”

“Oh, hell no, Blayze Shaw! No way!”

His head fell back, and he let out a laugh that made my toes curl in delight.

“I refuse to get on a bull, Blayze.”

Reaching over, he took my hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “Do you trust me, Georgie?”

I blinked a few times and wanted to shout that hell no, I didn’t trust him. But those words wouldn’t come out because they weren’t true. I did trust Blayze. I had always trusted him. From the first time he’d talked me into swinging off that cliff on a rope swing into the lake with him when we were teenagers, I knew he would never do anything to physically hurt me or to cause me hurt.