I could feel my toes curl up as my orgasm built. My mouth fell open, and my whimpers grew louder.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
My eyes flew up. I pulled the vibrator out and threw it across the room.
Oh my God, it hit the tub.
Then a vibrating sound started on the tile floor.
“Shit!” I whispered as I tried to get out of bed but got tangled in the covers instead.
“Georgie? Is everything okay?” Blayze asked, knocking again.
“Fine! It’s fine!” I called out, tripping over the stupid rug and nearly diving head first into the bathroom. I grabbed the vibrator and fumbled with it, causing it to turn on more and make the most obnoxious sound.
“Fuck!” I whisper-shouted again.
“Georgie, open the door. What’s going on in there?”
Thank God I had locked the damn bedroom door.
“Hold on!” I cried out, finally getting the damn thing to turn off. I dropped it onto the floor and rushed into the bedroom, nearly running into the wall. I cracked the door open and fought to breath normally.
Blayze looked at me with a worried expression on his face.
“Are you okay?”
I nodded.
“What was that loud noise?”
“Um…a book.”
Both of his brows rose. “A book?”
“Yep,” I said, nodding my head much faster than I needed to. “A book. I was reading and you scared me, so I threw the book. It hit the tub.”
“You couldn’t sleep?”
“Why do you say that? I mean, what makes you think I couldn’t sleep? I wasn’t thinking of anything or doing anything…what I mean was that I was reading. That’s doing something.”
He blinked at me a few times before he gave himself a little shake. “I only thought maybe you were having a hard time sleeping since it’s so late at night and you were…reading.”
“I was. Reading. And having a hard time sleeping, but it had nothing to do with you.”
Oh God. All the stars above, what in the hell was wrong with me? I closed my eyes and prayed for the floor to open up and take me.
“I guess I’m glad to hear that.”
I tried to look casual. “What are you doing up? Why are you at my door?”
“I was getting up to make us some coffee.”
“Before five in the morning?” I said with a slight laugh.
He nodded. “Yeah, we need to leave the house by five forty-five.”
My mouth fell open. “Why?”
“We need time to drive to the trailhead. Dawn is five minutes after seven, and that gives us less than thirty-five minutes for the sunrise to reach the spot I’m taking you to.”
I was positive I was staring at him like he’d lost his mind.
“Dress in warm layers and wear hiking boots. You did bring some, didn’t you?”
“Um, I have hiking sneakers, does that count?” I asked as I crinkled my face up in confusion. I wasn’t sure if it was lack of sleep, being robbed of my orgasm, or…both, that had me confused.
He nodded. “That’ll work.”
Blayze turned to leave and I called after him, “Wait, are we going hiking? Is that what we’re doing this morning?”
With a quick glance over his shoulder, he replied, “It is, indeed. How did you guess? The clues I just left you?”
I rolled my eyes. “Ha ha. So, we’re getting up now?”
He turned and faced me. “Are you too tired to go? Did you want to get back to your…book?”
Why did he pause before saying book? Oh dear Lord above. What if he’d heard me?
“How did…how did you know I was up?” I asked.
A slow smile played across his face. “You must have said something while reading your book. I heard you.”
“I did. I always talk out loud when I’m reading. No! I read out loud. So, sometimes I read the book. I read what’s in the book.”
He nodded. “Hence reading out loud.”
“Yes!” I said as I pointed at him.
“Okay, well, I’ll let you get ready, and I’ll meet you in the kitchen. Remember, layers.”
“Layers! Got it!”
“Bring your book along, too, if you want. We might find a spot or two to relax and you can read out loud to me,” he said as he started moving away from me.
“Okay!” I shut the door and leaned against it. I put my hand on my chest and let out a long breath. Then I giggled. What would Blayze Shaw do if I pulled out a vibrator instead of a book? I chewed on my lip, then snorted.
“Jesus, Georgie, get ahold of yourself.”
Thank goodness I took Blayze’s advice and dressed in layers. I had already stripped off my jacket and tied it around my waist, then put it back on as we hiked farther up the trail into the mountains.
“Are there bears?” I called out ahead of me.
“Most likely.”
I stopped and looked around.
“What about cats?”
It was his turn to stop. “Like meow cats?”
I couldn’t help but giggle. “I mean like the kind that will eat me.”