Blayze put his arm around his sister. “Hey, not to rush you and this experience, but the snow is coming down harder, and I can’t feel the tip of my nose anymore.”

Morgan spun to face me. “A boutique? You want to open a boutique and have me be your partner?”

I nodded. “Not only my partner, but I want you to design a line of clothing that will be exclusive to the store.”

She let out another round of sobs and more tears as she turned and looked back at the building. Blayze leaned back and raised his brows, silently asking me if his sister was okay.

“If you need time to think about it, I completely understand,” I said. “I know you still have a semester of school left and—”

“Yes!” Morgan screamed out, causing the people walking by to all turn and look at her.

“She’s excited about a new clothing store coming soon,” Blayze stated.

“Oh my God, yes! Georgiana, this is my dream. I never imagined it would come true so soon. I don’t know what to say. I mean, I’m broke, and I’m not sure how I’m supposed to help pay for this.”

I laughed. “You will more than make up for that with your clothing line. Besides, your father and mine are helping us both reach this dream by backing us financially until we can start bringing in income.”

Morgan wiped her tears away before she launched herself into me. I nearly fell backward, but was able to keep myself standing as she sobbed into my jacket.

When she started to mumble something, I took her by the arms and held her out a bit. “Sweetie, I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”

“I don’t know how to thank you!” Turning to Blayze, she blurted out, “You have to thank her for me with some amazing sex or, or, like a trip somewhere!”

The look on her brother’s face was priceless. As for the people walking by—let’s just say they picked up their pace as they tried to avoid us.

“You couldn’t have just suggested taking her on an amazing trip?” Blayze questioned.

Morgan waved him off with her hand. “Really, Georgiana, thank you so much for this opportunity. I love you!”

“Oh Lord, here come the waterworks,” Blayze mumbled. He was right. I started to cry, which made Morgan start to cry again. Then we both hugged one another and cried some more.

Blayze rolled his eyes. “Okay, let’s take this back to the truck where there’s heat and your tears won’t freeze on your face.”

By the time we dropped Morgan off at her grandparents’ house and had made it back to Blayze’s, I was emotionally and physically exhausted.

“How about a foot massage?” Blayze asked as he took my hand and led me over to the sofa.

“If you do that for me right now, I’ll do anything you ask.”

He raised a brow. “Anything?”

I dug my teeth into my lip. “Anything.”

Blayze picked my foot up and began to move his fingers in a way that nearly had me melting into the sofa.

“That feels so good.”

I closed my eyes and relaxed. We remained in a comfortable silence until Blayze put my foot down and grabbed the other one.

“There’s something I want to show you tomorrow morning,” he said. “Are you up for an early morning adventure to watch the sunrise?”

My eyes snapped open. “I am not hiking in this freezing cold weather, Blayze Shaw. I love you, and I love sunrises, but I have to put my foot down on this one. I’d rather get on a bull.”

His eyes lit up with excitement.

“Okay, I wouldn’t, but I really, really don’t want to go hiking in the cold.”

Blayze chuckled. “Would it help if I said Duke and Elly are going with us?”

That caused me to sit up some. “Riding?”

“If you’re up for it.”

Smiling, I answered, “I’m always up for riding.”

He pushed harder on the ball of my foot, and I gasped. “Lord, you’re good with your hands.”

“So I’ve been told. And my mouth.”

An instant ache formed between my legs, and I squirmed. Blayze lifted his brows. “Problem?”

“Not at all.”

He slowly slid his tongue along his upper, and then his lower lip, and my heart picked up its rhythm.

“That is not fair, Blayze Shaw. Besides, I want to do something different. I want to pleasure you with my mouth next time.”

He dropped my foot instantly. “When?”

Laughing, I leaned closer to him, and in the sexiest voice I could manage, I purred, “How about now?”

Blayze shot up off the sofa and started to unbuckle his pants. I watched in delight as he shed his clothes faster than lightning.

“I need a shower first,” he said as he reached down and pulled me up. Pressing his lips to mine, he smiled against them. “Have I told you today that I love you?”

I drew back slightly and our eyes met. “You have. This morning when you woke up. After breakfast. On the way over to Stella and Ty Senior’s house, in the kitchen when you whispered it in my ear, and I think you said it twice on the drive over here.”